
I'm going LIVE with Eric July in 15 minutes on his channel!! Let's go!!


11 months ago | [YT] | 241



11 months ago | 1


Manga will always win.

11 months ago | 1


This will be interesting 🤔

11 months ago | 1



11 months ago | 2


Couldn’t stay off the sugar, huh? Sad.

11 months ago | 0


let's prop up Eric's sub par comic that literally lacks character motivation, basic storytelling , and plot while criticizing marvel and DC for bad writing. Tribalism isn't winning the war against bad comics. Buy good comics...may I suggest cyber frog...it's actually good and like many other great independent comics gets overlooked because we push this ISOM garbage that isn't any better than the woke trash.

11 months ago | 7