Dan Mohler JR

Listen, I ain’t perfect. Look to Jesus not me. I’m just a man and I’m growing in the Lord. But I know I’m doing better than I use to be that’s for sure 🤙🏼.. anyways, I have a new message ready for you to hear tomorrow 🤙🏼https://youtu.be/BpZjkyI2R9c?si=ryVSw...

1 week ago (edited) | [YT] | 34


You are complete in Christ though, and you’re not just a man….you’re his son! So Awesome! Love you dude! I get what you’re saying. We’re called to be trustworthy, but don’t put your trust in me. Day 7 on the HCSKL, at the end of that session it talks a lot about perfection and complete and mature in Christ.

5 days ago | 0


😁 👏

1 week ago | 0