Omni Viewer

Got a Godzilla video in the works that might not sit well with Marvel and DC fans. Guess we'll see.

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 127


If anything, it might not sit well with Universal fans - "House of Frankenstein" was the first Avengers movie.

4 weeks ago | 10


Ooh, sounds like a hot take is incoming. Can't wait!

4 weeks ago (edited) | 8


I'm fan of both and Ill probably like it

4 weeks ago | 4


One Of My Favorite Godzilla Movies, Banzai!

4 weeks ago | 0


Sounds exciting, can't wait!!!!!!!!

4 weeks ago | 1


I'm going to take a wild guess that you say those movies are an actual cinema than Disney's MCU. If that's the case, i don't blame you, Disney/MCU are basically Fortnite of Hollywood.

4 weeks ago | 9


Looking forward to it.

4 weeks ago | 2


Not really a hot take if there aren't that many DC/Marvel fans left.

4 weeks ago | 3


Godzilla will stand the test of time?

4 weeks ago | 3


Didn’t you already talked about this movie before?

4 weeks ago | 0


Do a video on how the Monsterverse is jokey Marvel wannabe crap.

4 weeks ago | 0


Good 👍

4 weeks ago | 1