Physical Culture Historians

Huge news: I am very pleased to announce what is certainly my most significant historical discovery to date: the long-lost fitness manual of the legendary Babe Ruth, which includes his exercises with a bat!

This treatise is a compilation of the wisdom, experience, and technical knowledge that Ruth gained, as part of his famous “come-back” in the 1920s. After a sub-par season (his worst as a Yankee), an ailing and overweight Ruth collapsed twice and had to be hospitalized. Determined to regain his health, Ruth enlisted the help of a well-known fitness guru, and engaged in a spartan regimen and comprehensive course of holistic exercise. Following this treatment, he went on to have an incredible season, and led the Yankees to sweep the World Series. Ruth immediately compiled these exercises, along with the additional health wisdom he had gained, into a sequential, twelve-chapter series. While containing the regimen of the top celebrity athletic champion of his day, Ruth’s treatise was not primarily intended to be used by other players, but for the common man and woman. He hoped it would benefit all Americans, and the people of the world.

This book, lost in obscurity for nearly a century, contains approximately sixty exercises—some of them calisthenic, others utilizing a baseball bat with various grips—as well as his detailed thoughts on diet, body structure, posture, physical education, the mind-body connection, the “Ten Rules of Health”, and his personal philosophy of training. My new publication has also been annotated and supplemented with photographs and illustrations, and, in the appendix, includes an additional thirty-three exercises used by Ruth, or prescribed by his instructor, that appeared in obscure articles during the period. It is available on Amazøn today!

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