Filmmakers Academy

The Look of The Perfect Couple 🎬🌊🔪
Go behind the scenes of The Perfect Couple, where meticulous cinematography and lighting shaped its distinctive look. From camera choices to lighting setups, here’s how the team brought the story to life:

1️⃣ The Cinematic Approach: Co-DPs Shane Hurlbut, ASC, and Roberto De Angelis, AIC, worked together to develop a cohesive visual language that enhanced the suspenseful narrative.
2️⃣ Choosing the Right Camera: After extensive testing, the Sony Venice 2 was chosen for its accurate skin tones, highlight roll-off, and ability to handle mixed lighting conditions.
3️⃣ Selecting the Glass: Caldwell Chameleon lenses, paired with Panavision anamorphic zooms, provided the softness and dynamic framing for the filmic look.
4️⃣ Lighting Setup & Philosophy: Hurlbut’s precise lighting, with tools like remote-controlled Vulcans and inflatable pipe lights, ensured high-quality, consistent results.
5️⃣ Minimalist Lighting for Maximum Tension: In the interrogation room, stark fluorescent lighting heightened tension and revealed the characters’ raw emotions.
6️⃣ Lighting Tools & Techniques: MBS Vulcan movers and Nanlux Evoke 2400Bs allowed for flexible lighting setups, adapting to the demands of production.
7️⃣ Balancing Wealth & Darkness: Lighting at the Winbury estate highlighted its opulence, while shadows and reflections added depth to the darker elements of the story.
8️⃣ Embracing Nantucket’s Natural Light: The team captured Nantucket’s natural beauty, using it to enhance the contrast between the serene setting and the complex narrative.
9️⃣ Challenges in Recreating Nantucket: After relocating to LA, the crew successfully recreated Nantucket’s coastal charm, ensuring continuity in lighting and design.
🔟 The Crew: The series’ success relied on a talented crew who solved technical challenges and executed complex setups, ensuring the director’s vision was achieved.

Visit our blog to learn how Shane Hurlbut, ASC, and Roberto De Angelis, AIC designed the look of The Perfect Couple.

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