Bay Area Buggs

Hello everyone! Just wanted to give an update on my upload schedule. I’m currently in the process of moving house and I unfortunately have not being able to make content while I’ve been packing and moving.

I’m terribly sorry for the lack of content, this move as been much more of a process than I originally estimated. Trust me I am just as upset about not having new content coming out as you are, stick with me for a little bit longer and I promise I’ll get back to a much more regular upload schedule.

Thank you for understanding, I’m doing my best to get back to releasing new content as soon as I can! I hope you are as well and enjoying the start of summer! Thank you so much for everything, can’t wait to be back creating more content for everybody to enjoy!

Love ya,

1 year ago | [YT] | 14,248


us real fans that have been with you for years, even when you left for roughly 2 years, understand. no need to apologize. good luck on your move!

1 year ago | 1,400  


As long as it’s not a forever goodbye we could never be mad at you for a break of any kind. Much love buggs

1 year ago | 644  


We better get a house tour after this! This is unacceptable!!! ;) Love ya Buggs!

1 year ago | 184  


Hope you're not moving next to Randy 🤣 It's all good Buggs! Good luck with the move

1 year ago (edited) | 310  


We all were here when you took a hiatus and will still be here. You, Jeff, Ryan, and Zach are the OG's.

1 year ago | 179  


You don't have to apologize for moving if people don't like it they just have to learn to deal with it.

1 year ago | 41  


Never apologize, my man. Your move is more important than the upload schedule. Get us a video as soon as you can.

1 year ago | 52  


You have no reason to apologize, I don’t believe anyone can be upset with you; you are one of, if not the most humble YouTuber I have ever seen! You deserve to just move and not worry about the upload schedule

1 year ago | 65  


Screw a schedule, upload when you want and we'll still be here to support you!

1 year ago (edited) | 59  


As a half life / tf2 fan I can say that waiting is our skill

1 year ago | 15  


My wife and I completely understand that moving is very stressful. You have to look after your best interests. Your real fans will always be here for you!

1 year ago | 6  


Take your time man. Us real fans have been with you for years. We can wait a bit for you to get situated. Plus moving is a pain. No need to apologize.

1 year ago | 26  


Totally understandable! I’ve helped family members move multiple times in the past several years, and yeah it always seems to be more of a process than you hoped/expected.

1 year ago | 5  


The real fans waited and stood by you when you didn’t upload for years, we can wait awhile longer until you’re ready. Don’t sweat and worry. Focus on the move

1 year ago (edited) | 36  


We all love you buddy!

1 year ago | 22


I feel you as I am going through a similar situation rn moving in general sucks. Hopefully it all works out for the best for you. Take your time

1 year ago | 4


Take your time man. Most of us get it. We all love you and hope you're doing alright mentally throughout all this. 💜💜

1 year ago | 4  


Don't worry about us buggs, you take care of yourself and we will be here waiting when you're ready.

1 year ago | 5


Take your time Buggs! We understand! It is a good reason to rewatch older videos. Good luck with the move!

1 year ago | 4


My dad was a civil engineer , growing up we moved every 2 yrs. State to state, country to country... been there done that. :) I don't mind waitin on Boat Boy

1 year ago | 1