Deltia's Gaming

What's your favorite gaming memory? My mom called me in sick to school to pick up the collector's edition of Final Fantasy VII. I'll never forget sitting home chugging Mountain Dew slaying with Cloud.

2 months ago | [YT] | 118


Hey Deltia, Nice to hear from you. For me, It's those rainy nights in winter, when the sun wouldn't come out, sometimes thunder would be outdoors, but I would be inside playing Dynasty Warriors on my Xbox or PS2. Those were carefree days, during a time when I didn't have a lot to worry about, and I didn't realize how lucky I was ... Or just how good I had it. Life today is very different. In many ways, much much harder, but I always look back at those memories of those rainy winter months. I don't even own Dynasty warriors 4 or 5 anymore, but those games truly were some of my best gaming memories.

2 months ago | 1  


Nice!! What an awesome mom!! For me, not sure about favorite, but perhaps most memorable? I was curled up on the couch next to my husband, reading a book while he played Red Dead Redemption. Next thing I knew he was handing me the controller saying "Don't get me killed" OH...Kay.. Figured he was going to the bathroom 🤣. Nope, next thing I know two rifle shots, barking, chickens screeching and I paused the game. I go running down the hall to the backdoor, where my husband is standing with the rifle now pointed down. I look out at the pandemonium that is our back yard. A coyote had gotten into thhe back yard and had been chasing chickens, while our dogs were inside. My husband asked me if I got him killed.. Nope, far as I know John is still pause. My life wasn't a farm simulation, it's what we lived.

2 months ago | 1  


Your mom's an absolute legend mate, this was my favourite game in my favourite genre loved all the final fantasies still do.i remember going to my best friends house and playing this until we completed everything killing ruby weapon the golden saucer good times.

2 months ago | 4  


Staying up all night playing Baldurs gate 2 and just being blown away by the depth and quality of the story, then 25 years later, playing Baldurs gate 3 and being blown away by the best game I ever played. It truly lived up to the hype.

2 months ago | 1  


My Mom heard me ranting about a new game for the Nintendo 64 that came with something called a rumble pack, well on a hot summer day when I least expected it my Mom and Sister came home with groceries and a smaller bag, she handed me the bag and said "Share with your Sister and don't tell your Brothers...." It was Starfox 64 and a day I'll never forget!

2 months ago | 1  


That's what I call a mom. Good memories. Mine was when metal gear solid released on PS1 I didn't have one and wanted the game so bad. And my dad bought me the PlayStation and with that game not knowing that I wanted that game.

2 months ago | 0  


4 brothers, 2 Xbox 360s, and 2 copies of COD: Black Ops. Now some of us are married with kids, one has been divorced, one is a Marine, we don't get to play together anymore, not all at once anyway.

2 months ago | 0


I never did good in school adhd always got in the way. This made me go to summer school. Well my grandma was driving me over to go register and it was absolutely packed. She said you don’t need this and took me to go buy Pokemon silver. I have never been able to focus well until I got that game. My grandma took it away later that day. She taught me that if I focus on school the way I do the game I can be better, took awhile but I managed to learn how to focus.

2 months ago | 1  


Such a wholesome story. I would call my dad but it’s 11pm

2 months ago | 1


FF7 was a great one for sure. I remember taking a week off work for the launch of WoW in 04’

2 months ago | 0


ESO White Gold Tower pre-patch(Veteran rank)when first boss was the 2nd hardest boss. Next was the infernal boss.

2 months ago | 0  


Halo 3 midnight drop. Kept the local mall open for it. Huge line of excited fans chopping it up!

2 months ago | 0


I 'played sick' nearly an entire week of finishing FF7... my mom probably knew what was up. I bought Final Fantasy Tactics on a church youth trip... boy were the ladies disappointed after asking 'what's in the bag'. RTFM on the way home, found job unlocks reading the Prima a wal-mart.

2 months ago | 0  


When I was little we couldn't afford anything beyond basics. My friend's mom saw that I loved Super Mario World. So one day they gifted me my own snes. I had only the one game and it was still best thing ever

2 months ago | 0


I HAVE 2 monumental VIDEO game memory. Though I have to preface they great games but i have played better games. 1 LEGEND OF ZELDA NES: I was nearing the end but did not do the save process and my grandma decided to turn off the game since she wanted me to go with her to the swapmeet. I WENT BALLISTIC nearly PHYSCOTIC. 2 SKYRIM PS3 Stood in line for hours after midnight to pick up the game at GAMESTOP and played it all the way till 5AM and did not bother sleeping went straight to work

2 months ago | 1  


Skipping school with my brother, so we can have more attempts at beating the final boss of star fox 64.

2 months ago | 0  


Completeing a day one raid on destiny

2 months ago | 0  


Stole me mums car, drove my mate and I to midnight release of GTA5. Didn't get caught. Love ya mum x

2 months ago | 1  


When we held hands in deshaan 🫢 jk lo

2 months ago | 0