AL82 Retrogaming Longplays

I can't get over just how brilliant the artwork in King of the Monsters is - so much detail in so few pixels! Just amazing stuff!

1 year ago | [YT] | 159


SNK were masters of background art and design! Their games, more than any other developer's, felt lived in.. actual places that you could only get to with the proper passport: a coin.

1 year ago | 8  


Simple, fun and nostalgic. Just seeing this puts me back. Those were this times.

1 year ago | 1


King of Monsters is among my favorite arcade games of all time. You could do things that other games didn't let you. You could jump up and snatch flying vehicles out of the air to throw at your opponent. You could kick a ferris wheel at them and it would roll along the ground. At its heart it was a wrestling game with kaiju. There was a sequel with better graphics, but they changed it from a wrestling game somewhat, and removed three of the monsters.

1 year ago | 1


The 2nd one was the best and last one for 30 years now, jeeeeez. The King of the Monsters.

1 year ago | 2


I was the First to own a Neo Geo in Australia. I got it through the games men. It was always a great baby sitter as I had 12 games for it. ASOII KING OF THE MONSTERS 1 & 2 EIGHT MAN PULSTAR KING OF FIGHTERS 95 NAM 1975 PUZZLED LAST RESORT BLUE'S JOURNEY AERO FIGHTERS 2 ROBO ARMY Best system I've ever owned.

1 year ago | 1


AL83 Retrogaming Longplays

1 year ago | 1


SNK, baby

1 year ago | 0



7 months ago | 0