Book Interviews: Frank S. Ring | Walking for Health and Fitness | Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises | Walking Inspiration

Walking for Health and Fitness Author Frank S. Ring. Book interviews and information about the health benefits of walking. Frank S. Ring is a high school teacher and cross-country coach with 21 years of experience. In 2016 he began walking as a way to rehab from a back injury and to his great surprise fell in love with walking. Now, Frank has combined his love of walking with a website and his first publication Walking for Health and Fitness: The Easiest Way to Get in Shape and Stay in Shape. “I wanted to share my story, pass along my knowledge, and inspire others. Walking has brought me back to good health and fitness. I know I can teach others about this great fitness activity.” Frank credits walking with reenergizing his love of teaching and his commitment to staying in great physical condition. “I believe that walking is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape. This is the first of several books I plan to publish which centers around the health benefits of walking.” His second book, Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises highlight the benefits of bodyweight exercises, why doing fitness exercises and building muscle, especially as we age, is important. "Building a strong core is the foundation for maintaining walking speed. Walking speed is an indicator of wellness and vitality," says Frank "With my books Walking for Health and Fitness and Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises, I've put together 2/3's of my series on walking for health and fitness. "Now I'm pleased to release my third book: Walking Inspiration | A 12-Month Plan to Inspire your Health and Fitness with 356+ inspirational quotes and more." The trilogy is complete! Walking for Health and Fitness was an overview of the positive aspects of walking. Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises shows you the life-changing benefits of working out while you walk. Now, Walking Inspiration takes your mindset on a journey inward. Get a pdf of 21 Benefits of Walking for Health and Fitness Presentation: Website - The Walking for Health and Fitness channel will provide video’s on the benefits of walking, fitness exercises to enhance the walking experience, safety concerns, and a variety of other topics. Walking books by Frank S. Ring Book #1: Walking for Health and Fitness: Book #2: Fitness Walking and Bodyweight Exercises: Book #3: Walking Inspiration: Subscribe to the Walking for Health and Fitness Channel: Follow my Author Page: I believe that walking is the easiest way to get in shape and stay in shape! ***** Follow Walking for Health and Fitness on social media! Facebook: Instagram: Twitter: Pinterest: LinkedIn:…