Led Zeppelin - Best of LA 77 (All six shows)

This is a playlist I made of a compilation of Led Zeppelin's LA run in 1977. This playlist uses recordings from all six nights. I made a separate playlist utilizing only recordings done by Mike Millard (whose tapes are legendary for their superior sound quality), which can be found here: youtube.com/playlist?list=PLabmU5fNvwof9mB6kQbrhOk… I tried to compile what I consider to be the best performances of each song from each night and mix it together to flow like one concert. All Plantations and songs are intact. The tracks on the playlist are in the same order that they usually were in the setlist. The exception is Over the Hills and Far Away, which I moved to its position in the June 22nd setlist (after the drum solo) as it helps to space the drum and noise solos further apart and improves the overall pacing. No Quarter, Moby Dick, and the noise solo all had to be split due to time constraints. The editing isn't completely 100% flawless (a couple of the cuts are slightly abrupt), but I tried my best with what I had in order to make one kick-ass concert out of several great ones. For reference, here are the versions of each show that I used for this compilation. I tried to find the best version of each show, but I couldn't do it for all of them unfortunately: 6/21 - Mike the Mike 6-21-77 (Winston Remaster) 6/22 - Second Night at the Forum (Scorpio) 6/23 - For Badgeholders Only (Scorpio) 6/25 - Thank God It's Saturday (Scorpio) 6/26 - That's Alright Mama (Empress Valley Supreme Disc) 6/27 - Coherence (Watch Tower) There will be some arguing over whether each of these songs was truly the "best" version from this run (ie. some prefer Kashmir on the 25th, or No Quarter on the 21st), but by and large this was just done for fun. If I skipped out on a version you consider to be superior, feel free to substitute it with mine in a playlist of your own. ;) Enjoy!