9 Things Truly PASSIONATE People Do Differently

Passion pulses at the heart of a fulfilling life – it transforms the mundane into the extraordinary. Imagine the difference between casually tinkling the ivories on a piano and pouring your soul into every note as a devoted pianist. Passion is much more than action; it encapsulates your very essence, the core of your being. It's the spark igniting your daily adventures, compelling you to greet each morning with unbridled enthusiasm. Dr. Robert Vallerand from the University of Quebec is a pioneer in studying passion. He illuminates the subject, depicting passion as an intense drive towards an activity that deeply resonates with you, one that you cherish and hold in high regard, dedicating both time and energy to it. Galileo once said, "Passion is the genesis of genius," and this rings true across all personal endeavors. Vallerand's research, which scrutinized 187 musicians, revealed an intriguing facet of passion: It's not just about outshining others but fostering an internal mastery, a quest for personal excellence. This intrinsic pursuit inevitably elevates one's expertise, testament to the fact that when passion defines you, greatness is defined on your own terms. **Viral Keywords**: Life Fulfillment, Intrinsic Motivation, Self-Definition, Mastery Mindset, Personal Best, Intense Drive, Creative Excellence. www.linkedin.com/pulse/9-things-smart-people-wont-…