Crown Lengthening to Correct a Gummy Smile (Tiny Teeth)

The Crown Lengthening Procedure is when the gums are reshaped to create more even tooth-to-gum ratio. Many times this is done as part of a cosmetic procedure in order to improve the appearance of a gummy smile. Sometimes gum recontouring procedures can be done in order to provide adequate room for the dentist to place crowns or veneers, as part of periodontal treatment, or to prevent dental problems and tooth loss. The type of gum recontouring someone may need depends on what is making the gums uneven. When the gingival tissue rests too low on the teeth, they often appear too small. In this situation, the gums may need to be reshaped to expose more of the tooth structure. This type of procedure is often referred to as a cosmetic or clinical crown lengthening. Undergoing this type of procedure may establish a more natural, esthetically pleasing smile.