Hey there, you have stumbled upon our random corner of the internet! Rooster Teeth here, keeping ourselves endlessly entertained since 2003. Whether we're diving into Dungeons and Dragons, gaming, or getting grossed out by fast food freakshows, we never fail to crack ourselves up. And guess what? Our wild passions have led us to create all sorts of awesome stuff across gaming, comedy, animation, and podcasts. Don't believe us? Subscribe to FIRST for some exclusive content and see for yourself! roosterteeth.com/signup.

Rooster Teeth

Hey everyone - We have a short July update for you in regards to moving content around and cleaning up our YouTube channels post-Rooster Teeth's shutdown. Today we've moved nearly 4600 old Achievement Hunter videos from the Rooster Teeth YouTube channel onto the actual Achievement Hunter channel! Special thanks to many behind-the-scenes individuals who helped make this happen: Adam, Brendan, Chelsea, Nankai, Danni, Pat, and Colin!

There is still more to come as we continue working on migrating site-specific and FIRST-exclusive content onto their associated YouTube channels. The first batch of this has gone up, with the FunhausToo YouTube channel seeing Twits and Crits and Must Be Dice uploaded last week. More updates to come as this keeps moving along. Thank you!

2 months ago | [YT] | 3,421

Rooster Teeth

Hello, fellow Rooster Teeth Podcast enjoyers!
We have a couple announcements to make about where you can continue watching the Rooster Teeth Podcast in video form!

Starting with our next episode on 11/27, we’ll be uploading the Rooster Teeth Podcast on the new dedicated Rooster Teeth Podcast YouTube Channel! If you are a FIRST Patron and are supporting the podcast (thank you btw we love you for that), you’ll continue to use the same Premium RSS feed, and as always, you can find the full podcast on thertpodcast.com/.

Thank you for listening to our podcast, for laughing along with us every episode, and for continuing to support our show with your very valuable time during the holiday season!

9 months ago | [YT] | 473

Rooster Teeth


1 year ago | [YT] | 492

Rooster Teeth

WOW! Speaking of RTX, what does RTX stand for? (Wrong answers only).

1 year ago | [YT] | 428

Rooster Teeth

For those of you who enjoyed our preview here of Camp Betrayal, you can now watch the entire series for free on roosterteeth.com! And we hope to see all of you campers at RTX, July 7-9!

1 year ago | [YT] | 375

Rooster Teeth

It's Monday! Which means a new episode of RTP comes out today, 2PM CT early for FIRST members! And then available to everyone else tomorrow. Have a good week and stay hydrated, y'all.

1 year ago | [YT] | 256

Rooster Teeth

Controversial Take: One of these is better than the other

1 year ago | [YT] | 479

Rooster Teeth

What is scarier? I'm trying to figure out my weekend plans.

1 year ago | [YT] | 333

Rooster Teeth

Need help with my math home work, can someone help me solve this? 6 ÷ 2 (1+2) = X

1 year ago | [YT] | 412

Rooster Teeth

How do you eat your Steak?

1 year ago | [YT] | 365