A passionate cinematographer always on the lookout for challenging and thought provoking stories to tell. I consider myself to be a story first DP and I believe my lighting design and camera techniques are, in addition to setting tone, meant to establish character, further the script's story, and help execute the director's vision. I consider myself to be a storyteller first and a cinematographer second. As for my own style, I enjoy embracing natural light, like straying away from conventional filmmaking techniques, and will never shy away from a challenge. Whether it's a long handheld shot or a static composed shot, I approach everything with the same attention to detail.With a vast experience in all formats, both film and digital, I have worked extensively on short films, advertising television and documentaries. My films are screened at festivals around the world.

Think global act local
விட்டுவெளியேறுபவன் வெற்றிபெறுவதில்லை,
வெற்றிபெறுபவன் விட்டுவெளியேறுவதில்லை.