Jordan R

What's going on everyone!
Posted a few videos, going to try and get them out at a bit of a faster pace.
Sometimes Resolve really doesn't like me though so please bear with me!

Hope everyone is doing well, still in semi lockdown over here. How is it where you guys are?

Have a great day!

3 years ago | [YT] | 149

Jordan R

For everyone that is wondering, yes I have seen 3kliks video! I was honoured that he made it and I've reached out directly to him to thank him. Thank you for all the kind words, I've watched door stuck grow kind of from the sidelines. You'll see posts from myself in the comments dating back many years I've always been fascinated by its growth but never expected it to get this big.

The biggest THANK YOU goes to Kinetik001 for without him there wouldn't even be a video for all of you to enjoy so make sure you go give him some love as well!!

I'm currently out of the city and so I don't have access to my computer and the phone service where I am is somewhat sketchy! I've been trying to reply to people's messages on here and on twitter, if I've missed yours no hard feelings I'll try and do a sweep again when I'm back in the city.

As for content, when I'm back in the city I'll fire up the stream on Twitch and we can chat and go over any questions you may have play some warzone, play some Valorant try and play some CS1.6 or maybe just maybe I'll fold and play some CS: GO and just have a good time!

Hope that everyone is well, stay safe, and I'll see you live in a few weeks time!


4 years ago | [YT] | 292

Jordan R

Seems I have some audio work to do as the keyboard and background noise are quite annoying, going to work on fixing that today!

4 years ago | [YT] | 71

Jordan R

Hi :)

5 years ago | [YT] | 277