My name is Brandon. I've been a YouTube user since March 2007, and started posting videos in November 2007. My original channels were 1001BG and 2008politician, both of which received a combined total of about 12 million video hits. The channels were suspended in October 2008 due to copyright issues. I then opened another YouTube account, 3003BG, immediately after both of my original channels were suspended. 3003BG has been around since October 2008, but I have not posted anything on that channel since December of that year. I opened this channel in December 2008, and it has remained active ever since. I opened another channel, Original1001BG, in November 2009. That channel is also currently active.

Track the U.S. National Debt on this website:


Who won last night’s Dim debate?

5 years ago | [YT] | 1


Biggest loser in the first Dim debate?

5 years ago | [YT] | 2


Who won the first Dim debate?

5 years ago | [YT] | 2


Disappointed, but not surprised, with what YouTube has become. Original content creators, whether they hold conservative or even liberal views, are being hidden by corporate sponsored YT channels. Anything that is not pre-approved and "clean" doesn't make it past censors. YouTube is now a place where only corporate television programs (late night shows), make-up tutorials, and idiotic "you won't believe what happens when we..." type videos make it to the trending section.

It is so sad to see original content creators, who are not bought out by sponsorships or have Google connections, have their subscriber counts flat-line, or have very small growth. It is sad to see so many people not make it to monetization because the rules have now become so stringent, or get demonetized for simple things such as having content that is "not advertiser friendly". No, it is not because of copyright infringement or violence, but because their speech was not "clean" enough for the Google AdSense folks.

It is amazing to me that after over TEN YEARS that this channel has managed to stick around. I do not post content on here like I used to. I have grown on from that, but I do keep tabs on everything with this channel. I have a fairly long memory of YouTube's history, going back to 2007, and how it used to be. ANYBODY with a webcam could start a channel, voice their opinions, post content, and easily start making money. Now, the vast majority of the content is corporate/Google pre-approved and sponsored. It is...sad.

5 years ago | [YT] | 6


Mueller has officially finished the investigation and submitted his report...what do you anticipate.

5 years ago | [YT] | 3


Who would be the easiest 2020 Dem for Trump to beat?

5 years ago | [YT] | 2