
Acid Entertainment is a non denominational group, who doesn't align itself with any one discipline We are seekers of the truth and aren't influenced by anything but the evidence gathered & supernatural occurrences experienced.
"We are not trying to explain the unexplainable, but merely trying to better understand it."


When I was a Registered Behavior Technician, I worked with children (up to 18 years) on the Autistic spectrum. One of the first things I observed about those considered highly impacted and who are also non-verbal is that they are highly "psychic" & way more emotionally intelligent than they are being credited for. Because I'm intuitive, I am able to communicate with them using energy & intuition. I loved seeing the realization on their faces when they realized I was able to "hear them." I opened Pendulum Center and offer coaching to families and kids having behavioral issues due to mental diagnosis like Autism.