Entertainment channel

Hi my name is Mussa Abdalla

I am filmmaker. I write screenplays, edit, produce and direct short films, music videos and many more.

I am director and Editor at Press Pause Network

Please subscribe to my channel

Stay tune for some cool content and films of all sorts of genres

Email: icefilmsuk@gmail.com
Email: mussaabdalla@gmail.com



This January I will be travelling to Lebanon with Emaan Relief to distribute aid to Syrian & Palestinian refugees as well as the local Lebanese population who are suffering from an unprecedented economic crisis.

I will be hand distributing your aid to the most needy families. There are now an estimated 3 million Syrian and Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. In addition, the economic crisis Lebanon is facing has left many Lebanese families living below the poverty line.

Donate a Full Winter Pack For Just £100!

Items Included: Heating Fuel, Food Packs, Winter Clothing and More!

During our winter distribution we will also provided meat distribution, have an Orphan funday and other means of support for those most in need.

The impact of your support:
The emergency winter aid will be provided to families so they have the necessary items they need to be able to get through the harsh winter


9 months ago | [YT] | 0