Through videos, articles and whatever else I feel like creating, I'm exploring the medium of comic books (and sometimes film) through its stories, characters and creators. Hopefully you'll like my corny jokes, but maybe you'll get inspired to pick up a comic or two.

Previously known as 'So It Goes '

Rick Nazden

For research purposes 🤔

2 years ago | [YT] | 6

Rick Nazden

Almost time for blockbuster season around here 😎

2 years ago | [YT] | 6

Rick Nazden

You may be asking yourself, "who the heck is this Rick Nazden fool" and I wouldn't blame you. It's me, Nick, aka Rick, the guy who used to make videos as So It Goes. I loved making videos under that name, mostly because it felt like I was constantly alluding to my literary hero, Kurt Vonnegut, but I'm ready for a change. So It Goes is a great name, but it's just not mine, it's Kurt's. So, I've decided to rebrand the channel around a nickname I already have in life, Rick Nazden. I think you will all like what I have in store.

Two new videos in October. Promise.

4 years ago | [YT] | 6

Rick Nazden

Hey everybody! Thanks for your input on the last poll, it's much appreciated. Have one more question related to the 'Simply Reviews' and I'd love your opinion. For movies that I'm lucky enough to see early, would you guys rather I release the review on the embargo date if I can (often a week or two before the movie has come out) or actually on the premiere date so you guys feel more comfortable watching it? It doesn't really change anything for me, I'm just curious which option would make you more likely to watch a review?

5 years ago | [YT] | 5

Rick Nazden

Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a good fall and finding some good comics/movies to pass the time. Things have been pretty hectic for me so my videos are somewhat behind schedule. I've already seen Aquaman and Into the Spider-Verse and am considering doing 'Simply Reviews' for them but the views are never too high. What do you guys think, should I keep making the 'Simply Reviews' or focus more on the longer pieces?

5 years ago | [YT] | 6