Ronni's Tarot and Insights- Hello my name is Ronni , I have studied tarot cards, dreams, numerology, astrology and the subconscious mind for over 25 years. I am here to help others on their journey. I think that if I can help someone else, I am doing what I came here to do. I am a professional Tarot reader and love what I do! Over the years I have learned to simplify reading Tarot cards that enables me to see changes in everyday life and to teach new and old readers my methods . It is my belief that everyone is psychic and Tarot cards are a tool to tap into our subconscious mind for the answers, just as in dream symbology. I have also been around musicians all of my life and play a few instruments for fun. I love animals as well and you may see them in my videos.

When it comes to music, I just play. I don't expect nothing but what comes from my soul. I am not great , but I'm just me.
For personal readings you can email me anytime. Also you can go to my facebook business page.