on indefinite hiatus.

if you somehow ended up here, thank you. i may not edit but i still get every notification and it warms my heart.

wish you all the best.

(imma leave the rest of the description as it was many years ago for the nostalgia because - i am sad to say - i am not 19 anymore).


Alessia | 19 | ♐ | editor&writer | #Melessia ♥ | BaconAndEggs | Banner by Melbear so we geyasfuck now.

I'm back here to hack Pikachan again! (Let's be honest, I'm bored)
And nothing much is different, she still belongs to a person with the username 'xM1124x'.
If anyone is still attempting to touch her... I'm watching you, kiddos -stare- She's mine 8I -hiss-
I know she can be fluffy and innocent at times but still, no touchy ;)

And now... Imma go and eat. -rolls away- weee~


95 videos