We Create Audio Dramas of Comic Books


Comicstorian is a Eligible Monster Production


Hello Everyone! Dan here to answer some frequently asked questions I have seen in the comments sections. Hopefully, I'll be able to answer most things, but obviously, I won't answer everything for privacy reasons, so here we go!

What happened to Benny?
He passed away on June 8th, 2024 in a medically inexplicable single-car accident.

Who has been posting videos and mostly running the channel now?
That would be me, Dan aka Dan The Producer. Benny hired me at the start of 2015 when the channel only had 80k subscribers, and I worked with Benny as an Editor, Producer, and Business partner for everything Comicstorian-related. He was my best friend and he and I grew this channel together, so I am using all that I learned from him to try and keep things running like I know he would want it to.

Will you ever use AI to replicate Benny's voice? No, we will never do that. If you see a video on our channel that has his voice and hadn't been seen yet it is because Benny was amazing in that he recorded videos way in advance and had multiple audio recordings that had not yet been touched and many Members-only videos that need to go public. No AI could ever replicate Benny's enthusiasm and intensity, nor do we want it to.

Will you ever hire other Voice Actors?
Not for a while(if ever), Benny had always planned on eventually moving on to other things and had slowly tried to get me to voice some stories on the channel (such as Avatar and House of M) over time to ease the audience into me doing some of the videos so that eventually I could take over most of it. He could then focus on his next project and I am going to honor what he wanted. However, I think he would be okay with me allowing his brother Andy to do some as well!

"I'm sorry it's not the same without Benny"
I know this is not a question, but it is commonly commented and I will agree, it's not the same. Benny was an amazing person and capable of many things I could only dream of, my only goal is to keep the channel alive and hope that I can make him proud. I don't blame anyone who chooses to stop watching because I am not him and that is okay, but I do appreciate those who have stayed and are giving me a shot.

I hope I answered most of the common questions and that this clears things up for some people. Nathalie, Andy, and I want to thank everyone for celebrating Benny's life as much as they have and for being so kind during the transition we have been forced to go through at this time. I hope we can make Benny and everyone else proud.

Thanks for being one of the best communities!

1 month ago | [YT] | 23,958


Injustice was one of the biggest stories we ever covered on the channel and if you haven't watched them, the Supercut is definitely the place to go because you'll get Years 0-5, Ground Zero, and Injustice 2! https://youtu.be/I2GGy2ckLbI

If you're curious about what is happening here at the channel, I'll give you a quick update! We are going to keep Benny's legacy alive and move forward with Comicstorian. We will continue the channel by using old unreleased videos from Benny, and eventually, Andy and I will begin to voice videos as well. Luckily, Benny left us with quite a few unreleased so you'll see some Iron Man, Deadpool, Wonder Woman, and more in the coming weeks! We hope you will be with us as we journey forward.

Thanks for being with us as we keep the dream alive!

Rest in Peace Benny

2 months ago | [YT] | 7,855


The Future of Comicstorian

Hi Everyone, I want to start off by thanking you for all the kind words and memories of yours that you have all shared about Benny this past week, it has been very nice to see the widespread positive impact Benny had on so many people. I'm here today to talk about the future of Comicstorian because we are not going to let Benny's legacy and dream end.

Our plan is to continue with Comicstorian and Comicstorian Full Story and over the next few weeks, you will be seeing some of the videos that Benny had recorded before the accident because I know he would be upset with me if I let those go to waste. We will then start rotating in videos where I will do the audio and there is a chance that you may also hear Andy in future videos! There won't be as many videos as before because Benny was superhuman and we are not able to produce the amount of content he was able to.

We want to thank everyone again for being patient with us through these dire times and hope that you can be with us as we venture into the future to keep Benny's dream alive!

To Benny and the future!
Dan The Producer

3 months ago | [YT] | 54,109


Two days ago, on June 8th, my husband, Ben Potter, passed away in an unfortunate accident.

To many of you, he was Comicstorian, voicing stories from across multiple different mediums. To his loved ones, he was one of the best and most supportive individuals anyone could ask for. As a husband, a son, a brother, a friend, or even just a stranger, Ben was loving and genuine. He was someone who would listen and make time for his loved ones. He would do his best to make everyone laugh and make sure they were okay. He was our rock and he'd reassure his loved ones whenever they needed it.

He was my world and I need time to be with friends and family. I have so many things I need to figure out but firstly, I need to grieve. I ask that you respect my privacy as well as everyone else's. Right now my priority is preserving everything he's built and I don't have any plans beyond that.

His channel was one of his greatest accomplishments, and while we all need our time to mourn him, I know he wouldn't want it to end like this.

Ben spent over 10 years spreading his love and appreciation for his hobbies. It was through his love of exciting stories and well written characters that got him started on YouTube.

The team and I want to keep that going. To honor him by continuing to tell great stories by great people, as well as to keep the memory of our very own superhero alive.

We supported each other on everything we wanted to do and I'm not about to stop now.

- Nathalie Potter

3 months ago | [YT] | 83,273


The new ultimate universe Avengers THE ULTIMATES has started! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dRvey... O I absolutely LOVED this, but there is one big change I wanted your thoughts on, How do you feel about Reed(New Doctor DOom) Being on the starting roster?

3 months ago | [YT] | 5,068


We combined the Batman Beyond Rebirth Story with The sequel, 12 issues of Batman Beyond Neo Gotham. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3-tw...

I really want them to continue the Batman Beyond storyline, but it feels like its all over now with this ending. Whats your thoughts?

3 months ago | [YT] | 3,627


Wonder Womans Daughter, Green Lantern, Injustice, Black Clover and Why We're Getting Stupid! These are the things I covered across the big batch of channels we are running! Thank you EVERYONE for your support!

Comicstorian Classic (Wonder Womans Daughter) https://youtu.be/CXfXtXwP0uI
Comicstorian Full Story (Superboy VS Injustice)
Why Are You Stupid? https://youtu.be/wo7XMZxag8E

Black Clover, I Just Started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7Jyd...
Green Lantern Death of... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFdGg...

So for those wondering, two of those go to our new Comicstorian Classic. Basically if you missed the video I'm dumping all of the videos we make over there. The reason is, I don't jeopardize the Comicstorian main with potential bombs of videos and can risk stuff like, Power Rangers, Black Radiant or things like Wonder Woman's daughter! If you are concerned, don't be. As we complete the Full Stories they go to this channel and the Full Story channels. Nothing is going to change at Comicstorian (Smaller rants might make their way to my ranting channel, and I'll only post the big ones here, but its undecided yet.) Its also why I think Im going to start doing this bulk posts for the updates on the other channels, because there's too many things going on for me to just hit you guys every other day with things.

Also, some older posts you may have missed
Absolute Comics Podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suDiK...
Final Fantasy VII ENTIRE STORY Recapped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1NCfa...
Ultimate Spider-Man https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wgZ3...

And this channel launch's in a week or two, Star Rail lore, www.youtube.com/channel/UCw5x...

3 months ago | [YT] | 2,148


Ultimate Spider-Man Continues! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9wgZ3... This time telling us the Origins of Green Goblin! Really loving this one, whats your thoughts?

3 months ago | [YT] | 1,810


Curious on the entire X-Men timeline up to Fall of X? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7IJds... I covered that, our 5 hour Fall of X video should be dropping within 2 or 3 weeks as well.


Over on Full Story, we just covered Devils Reign 90 minutes long video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1zzo...

Over on Classicstorian We've been covering Green Lantern & Hulk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqK4F...

3 months ago | [YT] | 3,388


Avenger's are becoming VAMPIRES! https://youtu.be/l3BXhZiT7Aw THE LAST IMAGE IS A SPOILER FOR THE BIG REVEAL AT THE END OF ISSUE 2. You've been warned. Anyway, loving this series, but seriously there's no way any of this will stick other than Blades development lol, too many big names are getting converted. Doc Strange being killed again, alright whatever its a part of his character at this point. Tchalla becoming a vamp? Ya we could reverse that, but our (SPOILER) being converted? Ya this is gonna go HARD and then get fixed.

3 months ago | [YT] | 2,406