Beau spent his childhood looking for golf balls, secretly hoping to find a body part in the swamps and marshes. He still looks in odd places for much the same thing (and feeling). Being redhead means that sunscreen, big hats and old business shirts cloak him during outdoor life. He likes baths more than showers, homemade wine and licorice. By god he likes licorice.

Beau Miles

If you watched my latest film, you'd know that after Jack Conte and I paraglided, we also did an interview. It's now out on Jack's channel, Digital Spaghetti, which you can watch here.

I'm pretty new to collabs. I didn't know what a collab looked like until I took up an invitation to go flying, then sit with a person and talk about things. Low and behold I was smacked over the head with a satisfying experience folks call a collab. This was a great day with a great fella. Thanks Jack. Thanks for the gig!

1 month ago | [YT] | 187

Beau Miles

Halfway around my half-arse* tour of Australia! (*not the whole biscuit).

Brilliant so far with only one bout of dry-mouth, a few inappropriate moments and lots more that clicked, including the crowd of beards and non-beards who are inappropriately friendly** (**I dig it).

Shows so far have been a packed, well lubricated house in Brizzy, a sensible, well showered bunch in Canberra and a huge pack farkin incredible losers*** in Sydney (***property prices just dropped from huge increase to mild increase). Bastards. And a warm crowd 20 minutes from home in Warragul!

Lap of Victoria this week to Geelong, Warrnambool, Albury and Melbourne. Can't bloody wait.

1 month ago | [YT] | 538

Beau Miles

So last night I had my first show of the Secret Screenings in Brisbane. It was bloody great fun. Jumped on a plane this morning and flew to Canberra where my wife’s family is from. I really like Canberra. I was here last year for the Roundabout Theory video, where I came in and tried to find as much stuff as possible on roundabouts. I freakin’ love finding stuff. So here I am again, taking another punt at my theory before heading to the Canberra Theatre for tonights show.

1 month ago | [YT] | 316

Beau Miles

Beards and non-beards, G'day! I'm about to go on tour again around the right-hand half of Australia!

Yep, another batch of half finished films, and me on-stage yabbing on about all sorts of things, maybe even about the films themselves.

The tour starts in Brisbane on July 23rd and goes: Canberra, Sydney, Warragul, Geelong, Warrnambool, Albury and then Melbourne.

For anyone not in the right half of Australia, my big fat apologies. I'll get to you sometime in the next lap or two.

Can't wait to see your glossy faces on the night!


3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 952

Beau Miles

There comes a time in your life where you comment on peoples comments. I do this with my first walk-to-work vid over on my rival channel, Beauisms. 

It was shot from a country road where I didn't get run over once and was quite likely the second best experience of my life after the walk itself. That, and it's a good way to respond to some of you darlings.


4 months ago | [YT] | 286

Beau Miles

G'day team. I'm back guiding (running!), and you can all come along!
Bring your skank runners, spotty bananas soaked in the brine of liquorice, a massive/ugly hat, good socks and business shirts that need another kind of business.

First up is the brilliant jungle mountains of East Timor (Timor-Leste) on Aug 5-11 (with some extra days if you want). Small group of 12, so you'll be in good company and get lots of me, if that's your bag.

Head here

And Tassie/Derby, May 31st- June 2nd. Only one or two spots left for this shorter, winey, lux, Tassie experience with old Ginger here... 

Head here
Get on it ASAP as only a few spots left for each. 

Can't freakin' wait.

5 months ago | [YT] | 2,473

Beau Miles

This is the sibling film of my latest YouTube flick, where I sorted thousands of second hand screws and nails into groups (after many frustrated years trying to use unsorted screws and nails in rampant disorder).

What the final film doesn't show is me answering questions from Patreon as I sort. Having asked my community of awesome supporters for 9 word questions about anything.

I tried to make a single version of this film where I answer questions and sort screws at the same time, but my mind almost blew up, and the film was way too long. So I decided to put the questions on my second channel.

This, my friends, is answering a bunch of great questions while doing something I’ve been meaning to do for decades.

6 months ago | [YT] | 420

Beau Miles

Three years ago today, I uploaded Junk Wine, an Academy Award winning film where I didn't have to act drunk because I was doing it in reality- drinking a 20 year old bottle of wine I found on the side of the road.

You can now watch (for free) the questions that didn't make the final cut.


I answered questions from Instagram followers and waxed on about my life from my long-grass wavy paddock, which itself was a very attractive scene that got even more attractive as the afternoon progressed.

Some answers are great and I wonder now why they didn't make it, while others are C grade lyrics that should never be used in a song. Anyway, enjoy watching me get mighty sloshed (I'm a cheap drunk who suffered a three day hangover, thanks for asking). Thanks for being here.

The wine was excellent and a small slice of me regretted not sharing it with my wife.


10 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 2,465

Beau Miles

Big thanks to all the bearded people, non bearded people and everyone else in between- who have come to one of my Aussie tour shows. It's been an absolute blast sharing these NQR films with you. Our FINAL SHOW is in PERTH TOMORROW, if you're free I'd love to see ya there.

Perth tickets:…

1 year ago | [YT] | 1,522

Beau Miles

G'day everyone! Righto, three new every two weeks!

The first one, next week, is about my awesome wife and I going on a weekend away after the hardest year of my life (Helen mountain bike rides while I eat good food and sit on the deck of a nice place). After that, at long last, is Bad River 2: Rafting the most polluted River in Australia, which is about bloody time, I know. Finally, in this bracket of new releases, is a film about me and a whacky mate proving Kramer (Seinfeld) right with a bottle redemption scheme...

Among all this is going back on tour around the brown biscuit of Aus, about to hit up Hobart, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth. Tickets still available mates!

Most of all I hope this note finds you with rudy skin and happy hands (one's that have been productive, or in the dirt, weeding!).


1 year ago | [YT] | 2,295