Let's make fun of things just because.


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https://youtu.be/G8S3FD8rt-c I've just released a very long discussion/podcast-style video where I address points made by a LOTR fan who has an issue with the fandom. I'm not exactly sure what to call it, but it’s essentially a deep dive into his arguments, and I go through each of his points in detail.

I’m fully aware that this guy might be trolling, but even if that’s the case, it’s still important to address these concerns. There are probably people out there who share similar views, and having this conversation is necessary.

The issue is that a lot of people make assumptions about the fandom, insulting and berating them without ever really having a proper discussion or asking why they feel certain ways about changes to the source material or how The Rings of Power is written.

Of course, surprise surprise, diversity is a big topic, as it’s what his video revolves around. I want to make it clear that no one should harass this person. While he might be looking for attention, it’s still valuable to engage with him respectfully.

The problem I see is that the media and headlines often speak for the majority of the fandom without being honest about what people’s real concerns are, simply labeling everyone as prejudiced.

Anyway, check out the video and let me know your thoughts. Have a great day/night!😃

2 days ago | [YT] | 78


Guys if you love dinosaurs (Land Before Time, Darbi, Etc) and want to see more animations, please support the creators behind TALON! 😄 A lot of us have been patiently waiting for its release and it takes a tremendous amount of work to put this together.

We all want better adventures and stories told with true passion and quality, so let's support that!

3 days ago | [YT] | 430


There seems to be a war on gamers. Do you guys think we are being harsh by being outspoken about these shallow manufactured modern games? Are these companies really trying to help? Are we really against diversity?

1 week ago | [YT] | 196


OMFG I CALLED IT!!!!! The conspiracy was real!!!! AAAYYYY https://youtu.be/HkGjoRPpWqA

1 week ago | [YT] | 301


Ok I wanna see this

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 324


LMAO Y'all thought I was playing when I said that in my videos about black men being portrayed as feminine. A LOT of AA dudes are not down with the lgbt stuff. They get REALLY testy with it. 😂 https://youtu.be/trJo695loqg

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 470


Okay so as I've said, my husband has introduced me to the universe of Star Trek. He made me watch the movie with "first contact" and then a few of the Arc episodes of Next Gen. We then watched Picard. The last season was the best.

I told him that I want to learn the universe but I want to learn everything in chronological order of when things occur in universe. So he started me off on Enterprise.

He thought the classic would be too much for me bc of how dated it was, but after I told him what you guys said, he showed me an example episode And he said even though they have very good stories, it is very drawn out and way longer than it should be with all the dead air per episode.

Now.... We just finished watching season 1 of Star Trek Enterprise. I was unsure when it started out and I really did not like Captain Archer. However he is growing on me. I loooooooove Trip! And I fall in love with the crew overall, esp The Doctor and T'pol.

I'm honestly asking please don't kill me.... Why do so many of you hate Enterprise?

I can see why Picard's ST is a bit higher tier, But from what I've seen of Enterprise, there are some amazing stories and ethical conundrums that are brought up here. It still feels dated but it's manageable.

Is there a reason why a lot of fans really hate Enterprise? I understand that Captain Archer could be a bit of an idiot especially way earlier on. Goodness gracious 🤣 but I'm just curious.

Also, my husband is gonna have us watch Strange New worlds next since it's next up chronologically. Lol he said there's some weird episodes in there like a musical??? I asked him why and he said it was for the gays. Bare in mind he's old school brook/Italian so he has a gruff way of looking at things.

So let me hear from you guys. Who here liked enterprise? 😀 Who hated it and why?

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,056


Man this is heartbreaking when you consider the original https://youtu.be/o17MF9vnabg

1 month ago | [YT] | 291


I'm just a dude playing another dude, playing another dude, playing a dude playing a girl........playing another dude....

1 month ago | [YT] | 5,262


For the HOTD RETCON video, I will be reuploading it. Someone brought to my attention that Dany's tiddies were freshly exposed. So it will be up again soon. I don't know how I did 3 passes and missed the censor bar not being there. I just changed it so hang tight lol

1 month ago | [YT] | 546