The Roving Naturalist

Welcome to The Roving Naturalist! On this channel, I want to answer all of the questions you never knew you had about how humans and the natural environment fit together. We'll explore topics related to humans and nature - everything from vegetarianism to green living to how to build a backyard habitat. We'll discuss books about nature, the environment, and science. We'll hear from all kinds of scientists, ranging from seasoned experts to graduate students at the beginning of their research careers. And of course, I'll bring you with me as I go on some of my favorite bike rides, ski trails, paddling trips, and hikes so that we can be roving naturalists together. Subscribe for content that gets you excited about natural science!

The Roving Naturalist

I promise I am still alive! Field work has been kicking my butt this summer - this is a *huge* project! But I promise I am finally back to video production, and you should see new content from me in the next 2 weeks :D

3 years ago | [YT] | 14

The Roving Naturalist

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been so quiet recently on here and on social media. I have been going through a really stressful part of the journey to my PhD: preparing for my prelims/quals. This is a milestone-type hurdle where, after I pass it, I will be a PhD candidate and well on my way to earning my degree. But getting past the prelims/quals requires a lot of hard work.

Luckily, I will be completing my prelims/quals first-thing tomorrow! After that is over (and assuming I pass), I'll have more free time to get back to work making great videos for you to enjoy and learn from. So send me good vibes tomorrow, and I'll post some more content soon :)

3 years ago | [YT] | 17

The Roving Naturalist

Team! I need your help and support today!

Nancy from the ‪@SciBugs‬ channel has been starting a beef with me over which of us is the better naturalist. Obviously, we all know that it's me, but she refuses to concede. So to settle the score, we're going to have our grudge match via YouTube, where you all can help us decide for sure.

The video introducing our grudge match will be premiering at 12pm Eastern TODAY, and you can come and watch along with us while we answer questions LIVE in the chat!

3 years ago | [YT] | 1

The Roving Naturalist

Hi everyone,

So I don't know if you've seen the news today, but YouTube has yet again changed their Terms of Service. Even though I make and post the content on this platform, YouTube has decided they are allowed to put ads on my content without paying me.

While this is frustrating, I don't want to leave YouTube, because it's important to me that the content I create is free for everyone to access. However, it does cost me time and money to create this content. So if you are able, I would very much appreciate your support on my Patreon page, as this news may mean YouTube will make it more difficult for me to get monetized.

I'm sorry to be asking in this way, but I do think it's important that you as the YouTube audience know what's going on. And of course, you are under no obligation to support me financially - your continued viewing and appreciation of my content is also appreciated!

3 years ago | [YT] | 7

The Roving Naturalist

So I've been alternating weeks of "regular" videos and the new Fast Field Guide videos, and I wanted to check in with all of you. The Fast Field Guides have been a way for me to continue releasing weekly content while balancing the channel with all of my other responsibilities (especially grad school). So, what do you think?

(As a note, if we decide to not keep going with the Fast Field Guide videos, my production schedule will stay with "regular" videos coming out every-other week, because I just don't have the resources for weekly production right now.)

4 years ago | [YT] | 4

The Roving Naturalist

Well I hope everyone has been doing okay during quarantine and the pandemic. If you can, I hope you've been taking time to be outside!

Since a lot of people are spending more time outside getting to know their natural neighbors, I thought it would be useful to assist with the accumulation of natural history knowledge. So next week I'll be launching a new playlist, with videos coming out every other week, called the Fast Field Guide. If you've got any requests for animals or plants you'd like to see in this new Field Guide, please let me know!

4 years ago | [YT] | 2

The Roving Naturalist

Hi everyone!

First of all, sorry for the blank spaces in the video schedule lately - sometimes it's tough balancing schoolwork and video production, and unfortunately I have to prioritize the things that pay me.

That being said, I will be spending next week in Austin, TX and presenting at SXSW EDU. If anyone will be at the conference or in town and would like to say hi, feel free! I'll have stickers and would love to chat.

I'll also be making at least 3 videos while I'm in Texas, so stay tuned for those coming out soon!

4 years ago | [YT] | 2

The Roving Naturalist

Aw, you guys - we just hit 1,600 subscribers!

I'm so tickled to know that ya'll are watching and enjoying the things I make! Thank you so much.

Well I'm going to VidCon again this year in June. Which milestone do you think should be our goal to hit by that point?

4 years ago | [YT] | 1

The Roving Naturalist

Hey everyone!

Unfortunately, my busy grad school schedule this fall semester meant I didn't make as many videos as I wanted to. Fortunately, my schedule for the spring is much better, so get ready for weekly videos again!

And ironically, this week's video is about applying to grad school for an ecology program, so you can get a taste of what it is I've been up to!

4 years ago | [YT] | 2

The Roving Naturalist

Welcome to all of our new subscribers! Thank you all for being here - I hope you'll continue to enjoy what you find on this channel.

If you didn't already know, we have a Patreon! You can find it here: you're able, your support will help me produce more content at a higher quality, which benefits all of us :)

Also, in addition to running this channel and starting my PhD this fall, I've started running a science D&D show on Twitch. We'll be live on Twitch and Periscope this Saturday, July 20th, at 7pm ET - the show is called Nature Check, and I hope you'll join us!

5 years ago | [YT] | 6