After gaining renown on the French indie scene, the band’s fame increased through their first albums’ tours. The fame became international with the amazing success of the track LET'S GO in France and abroad and a tremendous interest from North and South American audiences.
Some 280 million streams later, the band comes back to introduce a 6th album.
For this chapter, the band wanted to keep its independence and free itself from all framework, even refusing the ease of their successful formulas. In the studio they built themselves (that is to say their desire for autonomy!), the musicians tried new artistic approaches, with the desire to rediscover the excitement and wonder of their beginnings. For nearly 3 years, they explored, composed and recorded, through each member’s artistic affinities. And for the1st time in their career, they called on an outside director, the young English prodigy Ash Workman (who produced some of the best records of Metronomy and Christine and the Queens)