If you love video games than you have come to the right place. From tutorials on how to mod your console to podcast where you can voice how you feel, we got you covered. No game topic is off limits here so come join us and sub on your way in. :-)


Who is the most "Iconic" video game character of All-Time?

5 months ago | [YT] | 7


Reviewers are getting the Mig Switch!!!

8 months ago | [YT] | 12


So we finally got tracking for the MigSwitch Flashcart and we are overly excited. Right now we are scheduled for 19th of this month. I will post a premiere live video for that day and we will show this thing in action. We will also unbox live and see how this things works for the first time here. Also Shoutout ‪@ARG‬ as he will be receiving his on the 17th. He will be creating content as well so definitely support my boy. We are the only ones doing this live so far I believe so you will get this no where else. Please get all your suggestions ready for things to try and let us know. See you on the 19th! Link to the premiere - youtube.com/live/t9MFZSy3EvI?si=jCV8UT4Bh4bMgiWP

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 7


After Mike Heskin put out some tweets talking about Team Xecuter is back, you know we had to go live and give the full breakdown. Could this Flashcart also come with a proprietary Game Dumper as well? hmmm.... youtube.com/live/LsLFsRKKJFQ

8 months ago | [YT] | 0


Uh oh they then got us together!!! It has been long overdue but a lot of you all have asking for it. Best part of it all was I got to speak to my dude unfiltered, with no interruptions and we went through it all. Thank you ‪@MrMario2011‬ for the opportunity to be on ya platform. It was an honor and im blessed for it. Next time its on me my dude. I owe u. https://youtu.be/jBqr-A7-CIk?si=jTh5D.... Spotify link: open.spotify.com/show/0uUEJfqv5trcdFj8WYECDS?si=cd…

9 months ago | [YT] | 4


My bad yall, but gotta put the podcast on hold cause damn sewage issues at home. We will do the show tomorrow. Appreciate yall support.

1 year ago | [YT] | 2


With the recent surge of messages sent to us about problems with Switch installations, I am going to talk about it in-depth on tonight's podcast. Being someone that has been on both sides (as far as installing and a customer), I can see how things can go from sweet & easy, to nasty & ugly real quick. Most of the time these things come down to some sort of miscommunication or negligence, but there are times where down right scams happen. Regardless of whose at fault, my job is to be transparent and do what I feel is best for everyone in these sort of situations. If there is anyone that would like to add there piece you can either join the show via link when posted or let me know ahead of time. If you want to remain anonymous I understand and will keep it that way. This information is vital for everyone to hear so highly recommend to tune in

1 year ago | [YT] | 5


Wanted to inform everyone that we will be doing the podcast tomorrow at 6PM. Will be going live later today to finish our sponsorship request and from there its business as usual. Thank you all for your support here as it is always greatly needed. Have a great day!

1 year ago | [YT] | 1


Whats up MoFam.

Just wanted to make you all aware that I will be posting a lot of NickMoses05 Gaming Podcast Content that has been sitting due to a mlutitude of reasons. Once all these clips are up then you will shortly see the PS4 and Nintendo Switch Homebrew tutorials. Thank you all for following and supporting. Have a great day!

2 years ago | [YT] | 7


Had to make to post today after all that has transpired in the previous weeks.
Some of you already know but for those who do not, I tested positive for COVID 19 May 27th. At that time I was sooo out of it. Fatigue, fever, lose of appetite, and vomitting seemed to be the only symptoms I had. My wife tested positive as well but she was able to bounceback a lot sooner. A lot of the symptoms she had was more in line with Covid 19 then mine. Chest congestion, sneezing, runny nose, fever, etc. But for me it was just felt different. After she seemed to get better, and I did not I started to wonder why. We both tested negative literally right before PopCon 2022 but the way I felt never got better. I would have days where I felt great and then days I felt worse then when everything started, so I decided to go into the ER. Was tested again for COVID and Flu which both came back negative and even the ER doctor was not sure what was going on. Once they ran blood work they noticed that my white T cells count was higher which meant my body is trying to fight off something, and my pancreas levels have been slightly elevated. So after further deliberation the possiblility of a stomach ulcer came up. As bad as that may sound to some people I was actually happy because at least it pointed to something. They gave me medication for it and now I will be scheduling a Dr. visit with a GI.
Right now at this moment though I feel Great!!! After taking the medicine they provided, I began to get an appetite. Almost 1 day later I felt back to myself. I was able to move around and eat like normal. So with that I also see that the diet that I have been eating through the years has not been the best for my body. So now I vow to myself to eat more fruits and vegetables and less processed foods as I see the reaction my body has to them. MORAL OF THE STORY, EAT HEALTHIER EVERYONE!!!!
Thank all of you for your physical/mental/spiritual support, love, and help through all this as this is what keeps me going to bring entertaining content for everyone out there. There are also many of you who went out your way to post on the page in support or write me directly. I cannot passionately tell you how much that means to me and my family the overwhelming support from you all. I could be here talking and thanking all day but I think you all get the hint. Now its time to get back to the work. LETS GO!!!!

2 years ago | [YT] | 8