The Aesthetic City

The Aesthetic City is a channel about improving urbanism and urban design, examples of classical architecture and traditional architecture, cycling infrastructure, city trips and general city aesthetics. It is also the home for episodes of The Aesthetic City podcast.

Urban planning for cars and modernist architecture are the scourge of our cities. Polls show that most people prefer traditional buildings and even classical designs above modernist ones. Other research shows that pedestrian- and cyclist friendly cities lead to more happiness. Maybe it is time to change the way we design our cities and buildings - maybe it is time for the Aesthetic City.

If you want to learn more about more beautiful and aesthetic cities, sustainable construction methods, traditional architecture, this channel will be your home!

Do you want to support this mission? Consider becoming a Patron!

The Aesthetic City

Summer update - A short break before we move on to some exciting new videos!

Dear subscribers, summer is almost over - after an architecture summer school, a lightning trip to Bath and a longer trip to Italy, with a lot of filming, sketching architecture and some well deserved rest, I'm excited to get started again.

There's some nice videos coming up, so I'm hoping you're as excited as I am! Toward the end of this month the next video should be uploaded, so stay tuned :)


The Aesthetic City

1 week ago | [YT] | 513

The Aesthetic City

Hi community! As you might have seen in the last video, we're a bit worried about current architectural education.
We are exploring how we at The Aesthetic City could contribute bridging the gap in education and the skills needed to transform urban spaces into beautiful, livable, and enduring places.

Please help us out by taking a quick survey to share what topics you’re passionate about and what you'd love to learn. 

Your insights will guide us in potentially developing a course that truly meets your needs. Your input would be greatly appreciated!

2 months ago | [YT] | 277

The Aesthetic City

We did it!!!!! 100.000 subscribers - it's almost hard to believe, after a bit more than a year!

I'm extremely grateful for your support of the channel, I would have never believed this was possible when starting out. 100.000 - that's a LOT of people, and I think it's heartwarming that so many people are interested in cities (and hopefully share some of my views about how we should build our cities).

But we're not done yet: there is a lot more work to be done, there are many stories I still want to tell, places to show to the world - and myths about architecture & urbanism to bust. So we're continuing, and hopefully with a more even uploading schedule. The videos take a lot of work, but I'm finding ways to outsource parts of it, because there is simply so much to cover.

Again, thank you all - without you, this wouldn't be possible. Hopefully, this milestone will help a bit to make our cities a bit more beautiful.



9 months ago | [YT] | 1,040

The Aesthetic City

Hi all, as the next video is coming up, a quick question for you.

I have interviewed some German developers and citizens for the upcoming video. These fragments are quite short. There are two options: I can either dub the video (use English voice over) or use big, clear subtitles.

Which one has your preference?

9 months ago | [YT] | 177

The Aesthetic City

Hi everyone,

First of all, a big thank you to all the new subscribers! It really means a lot, and we are almost crossing 100k - just incredible, I almost can’t believe it!

The next video is almost coming up, and it will be focusing on another wonderful place that has defied all the odds and become beautiful once again.

Stay tuned and look out for something very special around the 30th of November. I can't wait to share what I've been working on! If you don't want to miss it, turn on notifications :)


The Aesthetic City

9 months ago | [YT] | 774

The Aesthetic City

Hi everyone,

A short update from the 'front': I've just returned from a trip to Scandinavia for the next video, 7 days of non-stop filming and interviewing. I'm sure you'll like what's coming. It's another story of hope, and this time I've interviewed a number of people (including Michael Diamant from the last video) to give their perspectives.

I can't wait to publish this one, I'm sure it has the potential to shake up things quite a bit!


The Aesthetic City

1 year ago | [YT] | 323

The Aesthetic City

Hi all,

First a quick, but heart felt THANK YOU to all the new subscribers to the channel. It means the world to me and I’m working hard to come with new content soon - there are multiple videos I’m working on, and I have many ideas and scripts waiting to be recorded and edited.

Until the next video airs, I’d like to point out this recently published video featuring Samuel Hughes, a friend and incredible knowledgeable urbanist & policy designer (for lack of a better word). In this video, he explains the valuable idea of ‘gentle density’. I highly suggest you check it out here:

Again, thank you for being here and I can’t wait to share the next video!



1 year ago | [YT] | 61

The Aesthetic City

Hi all,

Some time ago an interview appeared on the channel ‪@CaveofApelles‬. In the interview I tell the full story behind The Aesthetic City - so if you're interested in that, check it out! The name of the interview is: "Ruben Hanssen on How Urban Planning can be Beautiful, Transforming Dystopic Future into Bliss"

Thank you all for having subscribed to the channel - I've got a lot of great stories & content in store for you!



1 year ago | [YT] | 216