Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

We are dedicated to helping you restore and modify your classic car. From engine builds and basic tuning to interior and paint. We work hard to give you the confidence to tackle your own build and keep the project moving.

It's not a Problem, It's a Project!

Our focus is Ford Falcon, Fairlane, F100, Maverick, Mustang, Torino, Comet, Cyclone, Montego. We also feature Chevrolet Camaro, Chevelle.

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

Welp, yet another week where computer glitches in the upload have chomped on my rear. This is getting almost predictable. The Manic for this week will be posting tomorrow at 6:30.

1 month ago | [YT] | 40

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

Hey folks! Story time.

As some of you may know I have an editor that chops the video for me. We work between Google Drive for the main Adobe Premiere 5.5 video (our editing software) and Dropbox for the files. The file sets can be anywhere from 4 to 20 segments per video with three to four sub -sections per segment (we use three cameras plus our mobile phone so these make up the sub-sections). These are culled into Premiere at his location and brought into a manageable size by removing the pre-footage (lights, camera, action) stuff and any post "cut" junk. Then he does a bare cut that allows me to edit it down to what you see.

On one level this works well. It allows me time to work on things that are needed but not seen in the videos; at times things need to be done that we have covered recently on the show and this is where the other "things" lay.

Add to that the maintenance of four acers, six buildings, several cars that don't appear on the show, plus cleaning up after myself from these projects. I also help Diona with the tech for RRS-USA. Light bus maintenance for our bus business (not that often, but you know when it rains it pours and usually when there is a problem elsewhere). Plus helping to run our Journey group for church and being a part of Aiken Horsepower. Oh and the family things like kid transport, discipline, fun, etc.

The family things takes up a heap of time. Diona and I are busy raising 5 boys between 20 and 12 as well as helping to guide her beautiful, spirited, red headed daughter who is 21. Lots. To. Do.


All of that has been a side show to the issues of production lately. Dropbox seems to be screwing with the footage. Terribly. And none of it is consistent. One week it is audio (like this week), the next is it is black footage WITH audio for three quarters of the episode. Crunching the files at times (making then sorter and therefore causing half second gaps in the footage; annoying and very noticeable). The next it will be the footage stopping every four to 20 seconds while I am trying to cut (arguably the most frustrating problem of all). If I close out of the fresh edit from my editor and restart, SOMETIMES the issues disappear. Often it consumes hours of my time fixing the issues. Usually, the audio issue is fixed by me simply restarting Premiere. But in the busy day-to-day I sometimes forget to do that.

Yes, sometimes my brain does not brain well.

I apologize for the video issues this is causing. I am working on a solution and just have not gotten there.

If you got all the way to the end, you are my hero. Thanks for reading.


2 months ago | [YT] | 47

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

Due to a series of events beyond my control, we will not be posting our Autorestomod video tomorrow. Our Manic Mechanic will be up On Tuesday as normal.

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend and take a moment to honor those who sacrificed so we can be free.

3 months ago | [YT] | 75

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

In observance of Easter our video for today will be up tomorrow evening at 6:30. Have a blessed holiday.

Matthew 28:5-6: "The angel said to the women, 'Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.'"

5 months ago | [YT] | 185

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

Due to an injury sustained to my knee on Friday, we will not be posting an Autorestomod video today.

We have the video done, I just could not do final edit. I will post it as soon as I can sit at the work station comfortably.

5 months ago | [YT] | 184

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

But WAIT! There's MORE! So While all the shenanigans were going on with the popped water pipe (my repairs are working super well btw) we had a space heater hooked up in the offices since our HVAC heat pump was born in the late 1990s and is cold averse (68 in the house at night with ambient outside temps in the 20s). This space heater popped a breaker. My work PC is on the same breaker (yes I have an uninterruptible power supply with surge protection). The breaker trip made my PC very angry and it decided to throw a fit. Why? Because PC. So after mucking around (I know a bit about PCs too) for a solid four hours, I am now back up and running. But this has backed up production as well.

I am weirdly calm.

7 months ago | [YT] | 62

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

So, you might be wondering where your Sunday video is at. Wonder no more! I've been sick since Thursday with a wicked cold that only deepened until it went into an upswing over night last night My "plan" had been to finalize the video Saturday--it was bad enough Saturday morning that I called off shooting video because my voice sounded like a tween breaking into puberty and I was coughing about every eighth word. So I put working on the video in the "tomorrow AM file" hoping for a brighter day so to speak. This morning I awoke to frozen pipes on the hot water side. I found out this joyous info as I turned on the hot water for a shower.


I have found that winter, like drag racing, will always seek the weakest link and exploit it. With temps in the high teens over night we lost one of our external lines to the hot water heater (the cold feed into the tankless box). So this morning I spent a few balmy (think teens up to 20s at 8:00AM) hours out in the weather with Logan fixing the pipes and making an enclosure that I can heat with incandescent bulbs that are now $6.00 each and only available locally in 200 watt.

So, I hope that your day was better. That is all.

7 months ago | [YT] | 62

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

There was an export error with the most recent Manic Mechanic, for some reason a few minutes of audio in the beginning of the video was missing. We're taking down the one up now and reuploading it.

11 months ago | [YT] | 20

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

Due to analytics information we have come across, we are thinking of moving Autorestomod's upload to Sundays at 5:00PM Take the poll and tell us if we should leave it alone or move to the date with more activity?

1 year ago | [YT] | 46

Autorestomod Manic Mechanic Gasoline Media

Our video today is late due to a bit of a health scare yesterday. My Blood Pressure was elevated to a dangerous level even after resting most of the day and pounding fluids. And so to the ER I went at around 10:45 last night. the folks at Sweetwater ER were amazingly kind and though I can't say I enjoyed my stay I CAN say that by far they were the best ER staff I've dealt with. We were in and out in under two hours.

I came home and finished up the video (Boomer; guilty as charged, lol) and somehow set it to go live 4/14/2023 instead of today, the 13th. SO, it will be out there in the interwebs here in a bit. Sorry for the delay.

1 year ago | [YT] | 128