Hello, I archive various sites and services, one of them being YouTube. Since I am (sometimes) just one person doing this, I tend to grab content from niche communities with the goal being cultural preservation.

If there is something I have archived and you would rather it stay offline, contact me and we can work something out.

I will not be accepting submissions anymore expect for unique cases, and please do not ask me if I have "xyz" video, artist, etc saved for the answer is probably "no". I will always upload (and reupload) what I have, but it will take time.

I will check my social media bi-weekly or monthly, my email is a better option for quicker contact.

Tools I use:
- yt-dlp
- gallery-dl
- jq
- Linux / OpenBSD
- Shell scripts

Sometimes I will (and have) uploaded content that contains offensive material. Unfortunately, history can be very ugly. I will try to provide warnings and context from now on.

This channel is a mirror, see my archive.org

This is a non-profit effort.