Beyond Ghibli is a celebration of Japanese media, be it anime, manga, video games or beyond!! These aren't reviews or critiques - instead, BG will be full of wholehearted recommendations; where newcomers can start their journey, and where veterans can find their next favourite . My videos are deep dives into some of the country's most beloved properties and explorations of their creation: from the minds that brought them to life, to the thoroughly Japanese culture and themes woven throughout. I hope you'll enjoy exploring it all with me!

Beyond Ghibli

Hi everyone! I'm really pleased to announce that my new Zelda video, three months in the making, is finished and coming out on Saturday. It's about Tears of the Kingdom, is the longest video on the channel to date, and acts as a sequel of sorts to a video I made years ago about Breath of the Wild. I think it turned out really well! If you want, you can watch it right now for $1 over on the Patreon

1 year ago | [YT] | 413

Beyond Ghibli

Hi everyone! Happy New Year :) A while back I asked for your recommendations on series to watch and make videos about. The winners of those community picks were March Comes in like a Lion, Mushishi and Steins;Gate. I fell in love with every one of them - and now that their respective videos have been made, I'm looking for more recommendations. What would you love to see Beyond Ghibli cover in the future? Let me know in the comments below :)

2 years ago | [YT] | 425

Beyond Ghibli

Hey all! After working on it for three months, the new channel video 'We Are Mother' is out now! It's full of original art and music and I even learnt an entirely new editing suite to make this one of the best videos on the channel. Even if you've never heard of Mother / Earthbound, I think you'll really enjoy it. I'd love for you to check it out and let me know what you think :)

You can find it at the following link:

3 years ago | [YT] | 494

Beyond Ghibli

Hi everyone! Recently I put out a video on Vinland Saga, a phenomenal manga and anime series that I hadn't stumbled upon until one of my Patrons recommended it a couple of years ago.

Patron Picked Purchases is an annual event over on the Beyond Ghibli Patreon where we flip our regular dynamic on its head and I read and review all of YOUR recommendations for a change! So, if you'd like me to read a volume of anything you want, head over to the Patreon, pledge $5 and hear what I think about it in a video. The $5 helps pay for some of the manga, but also funds exciting future stretch goals. We're only about a hundred dollars shy of funding a video about Full Metal Alchemist. You have the entirety of March to get your choices in!

If you're able to, please consider supporting Beyond Ghibli. It doesn't just help with the costs of running the channel, buying manga for these videos or funding future projects - it literally keeps me doing what I love for a living, and allows me to ignore the YouTube algorithm to pour the time and effort into these videos to maintain that Beyond Ghibli quality. If you're unable to donate, however, don't worry about it :) your comments and support are so valuable and have kept me striving to do my best for four years.

I eagerly await hearing what manga you guys have in store for me this month! All the best, everyone.

3 years ago | [YT] | 202

Beyond Ghibli

Hey everyone! The next video - a classy look at hentai, doujinshi & fanservice - is turning into a massive undertaking, but one I'm immensely proud of so far. I'm working as hard as I can to get it to you as soon as possible, but as it has become a two-part project it'll take a little longer than usual. Apologies for the delay, but I think you're going to love the finished piece :)

I've just released a really fun trailer, and a very lengthy behind-the-scenes blogpost, on my Patreon (, and I'll be posting the first part when it's complete there in a couple of weeks (I'll release both parts simultaneously for the public release). If you want to peep it early, and donate to our next stretch goal (a video on Full Metal Alchemist) then please consider pledging a buck :) We're only $200 away from FMA!

Finally, once it's all complete, I'll be setting the Hentai video as an age-restricted video from launch. Besides not getting monetised, this setting might mean it wont get promoted, be featured in your subscriptions or even be visible to you, depending on your YouTube account settings. Should there be any problems, check my Twitter or Patreon (you won't need to pledge for this one) where I will publicly post links to the video / alternative places to find it.

I'm gonna get back to work, so take care everyone! I'm really excited to share more with you soon.

4 years ago | [YT] | 587

Beyond Ghibli

Hey everyone, apologies for the lack of uploads recently - navigating a house move in a pandemic has eaten up a lot of my time. I've been preparing for the next video in my downtime, however, and it's a project that I'm getting really excited about. It's about Beck, a manga and anime series about a band, and it's been one of the most challenging scripts I've ever written. Talking explicitly about music is something I've traditionally shied away from on this channel, so it's been really interesting - and terrifying - to stretch those atrophied muscles. I'm moving on Sunday and will be without internet for a while, but I hope that when I return I'll have a video for you that I'm really proud of. Stay safe and take care!

4 years ago | [YT] | 339

Beyond Ghibli

On Sunday I'll be posting a video literally no one asked for - the first project on Beyond Ghibli to feature not anime or manga but instead a Japanese TV show. Terrace House is a show I've been wanting to make a video about for a couple of years now, it's one of my favourite things in the world and I'm really proud of the finished result. I really hope you'll give it a chance despite it being a complete change of pace for the channel, and hopefully enjoy it! Until then, take care everyone!

4 years ago | [YT] | 387

Beyond Ghibli

After asking on various platforms for community suggestions, I've gone through the results and there were some names that came up over and over. The new poll featuring them is up over at the BG Patreon! My next project will be one of these classics😱

4 years ago | [YT] | 156

Beyond Ghibli

Hey everyone, just a quick tease today for an upcoming video... another modern masterpiece picked by my Patrons ;) But what veritable classics have gone overlooked by Beyond Ghibli? Please let me know what films you'd love to see me cover in the comments below :)

4 years ago | [YT] | 363

Beyond Ghibli

Over the years, kind and generous people have reached out to me to provide foreign-language subtitles for my videos, allowing Beyond Ghibli to spread further than it ever could have alone. Today, after years of being unnecessarily precious about it, I've opened community contributions to everyone - meaning that anyone can add transcriptions and translations to any video on the channel.

I was nervous that doing so would potentially result in disingenuous subtitles getting uploaded and potentially harming the channel, and whilst that's still a real concern, the potential good to come from this decision vastly outweighs the potential bad. I've always known that Beyond Ghibli was a community effort - not just through things like Patreon but through the smart, witty and often contentious comments each video receives. This community betters Beyond Ghibli in every way, and together I believe we're creating a really cool space for anime, manga and videogame discussion and recommendation. Through wider-reaching subtitles that community can only grow, and with your help our foreign-language and hard-of-hearing friends can join us in that conversation!

So, if you're savvy with a second (or third, or fourth!) language, or simply want to transcribe subtitles for an English speaking audience, please consider contributing below. And thank you :)…

5 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 346