TS4U.us is a software development company that also provides cloud natives hands-on project-based Training Transformation program! It is uniquely designed for IT and non-IT individuals. Contact us for more details!


E-COM application Deployment with Terraform

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: September 29, 2024 (Sunday)
🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 03:00 PM (EST)

👨‍💻 Md Jahid Hasan
CloudOps Engineer - TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

👨‍💻 MD Mizanur Rahman
CloudOps Engineer - TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

Special Guest:
👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad
Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Dollon Haider
CloudOps Engineer - TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

Register to confirm your participation: ts4u.us/link/six-figure-success

#EcomDeployment #TerraformDeployment #EcommerceWithTerraform #InfrastructureAsCode #DeployWithTerraform #TerraformEcom #CloudDeployment #IaCWithTerraform #EcommerceInfrastructure #AutomateDeployment

1 day ago | [YT] | 0


Interview on Linux Basic, Core Concept, Intermediate Commands

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: September 22, 2024 (Sunday)
🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EST)

👨‍💻 Ashraful Islam Ashik
SDET Private Coach - TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

Special Guest:
👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad
Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Dollon Haider
CloudOps Engineer - TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

Register to confirm your participation: ts4u.us/link/six-figure-success

#LinuxInterview #LinuxBasics #CoreLinuxConcepts #IntermediateLinuxCommands #LinuxForBeginners #MasterLinux #LinuxCommandLine #LinuxSkills #LinuxCoreConcepts #LinuxLearning

1 day ago | [YT] | 0


Interview on E-Com Web Development (User Authentication)

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: September 17, 2024 (Tuesday)
🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EST)

👨‍💻 Mahmudul Hasan Khan
Full Stack Developer
Bootcamps Hub

Special Guest:
👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad
Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Shohaib Hossain
Full Stack Developer
TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

Register to confirm your participation: ts4u.us/link/six-figure-success

#InterviewSession #EcommerceCrashCourse #UserAuthentication #TechTalk #CodingInterview #EcommerceSecurity #DevSkills #AuthenticationMethods #CrashCourseInterview #EcommerceDevelopment

6 days ago | [YT] | 2


Build E-Com From Scratch(Step by step)

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: August 31, 2024 (Saturday)
🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 04:00 PM (EST)

👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad
Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Mahmudul Hasan Khan
Full Stack Developer, Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Rafiur Rahman Protik
MERN Mentor, TS4U

Register to confirm your participation: ts4u.us/link/six-figure-success

#MERNStack #CrashCourse #WebDevelopment #FullStackDevelopment #MongoDB #ExpressJS #ReactJS #NodeJS #LearnToCode #ProgrammingCourse #WebDevTutorial #JavaScript #BuildEComFromScratch #StepByStepECommerce #ECommerceDevelopment #OnlineStoreCreation #LearnECom

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 0


Become an Azure DevOps Engineer (Tips: Follow processes and procedures)

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: September 15, 2024 (Sunday)
🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (EST)

👨‍💻 Shah Nawaz
Azure DevOps Engineer

Special Guest:
👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad
Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Inshira Anwar
Cloud Security and Automation Engineer

Register to confirm your participation: ts4u.us/link/six-figure-success

#BecomeAnAzureDevOpsEngineer #FollowProcessesAndProcedures #AzureDevOps #CareerTips

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 0


Becoming a master of - K8s Tech Interview

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: September 01, 2024 (Sunday)
🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM (EST)

👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad
Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub

👨‍🏫 Dollon Haider
CloudOps Engineer, TS4U

👨‍🏫 Jahid Hasan
CloudOps Engineer, TS4U

👨‍🏫 Mizanur Rahman
CloudOps Engineer, TS4U

Register to confirm your participation: ts4u.us/link/six-figure-success

#MasterInKubernetes #KubernetesCrashCourse #HandsOnKubernetes #LearnKubernetes #KubernetesTraining

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 0


Learn Linux on AWS Cloud (Hands-on with real-world application)

We invite you to join us for an insightful session where you can learn from industry experts and ask questions LIVE!

📅 Date: September 08, 2024 (Sunday)

🕚 Time: 11:00 AM to 01:00 PM (EST)


👨‍💻 Shiblu Ahmad

Founder and CEO- TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp and Bootcamps Hub


👨‍🏫 Ashraful Islam Ashik

SDET Private Coach, TS4U IT Engineering Bootcamp

Register to confirm your participation: lnkd.in/gStgTu2e

#LearnLinuxOnAWS #AWSCloudHandsOn #LinuxInTheCloud #RealWorldAWS #CloudComputingSkills #LinuxOnAWS #AWSHandsOnLab #MasterLinuxAWS #CloudSkillsWithLinux #AWSLearningJourney

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 0