My Hope for this channel is:
1. Music! Check out some videos, but not just from today or last week. I want to go back in the stacks and pull some dusty shit out. I love music, have very eclectic taste, and am down for pretty much anything.
2. Have some great, thought-provoking conversations about important stuff because our country is in crisis and this shit needs to be talked about...

I am generally sarcastic, say things that are shocking and that can be construed as insensitive and definitely non-PC at times without meaning to be. However, I am compassionate (to a point) empathetic (always), and have a strong moral compass with no problem speaking my mind.
For more pics, videos and basic philosophy on life check out my IG and Twitter. Subscribe and join our Discord for an amazing community, conversations, and much more.

Jl Melrose

Hey Guys,
Just so you know I will no longer be posting reactions on YT. Due to many factors I feel that if I continue to post content directly to YT I risk losing my channel, the thousands of videos on it and the years I put into it. So from now on all reactions will be posted of Patreon for next to nothing. As well as all blocked content and much more cool content.
It is currently up and running now.
Love you guys. Hope to see you there. ☮️💜#MelsCrew

2 years ago | [YT] | 14

Jl Melrose

Hey guys give me some ideas for Album reviews you would like to see.

2 years ago | [YT] | 3

Jl Melrose

Hey guys give me some ideas of themes you would like to see on future LIVES.

2 years ago | [YT] | 11

Jl Melrose


3 years ago | [YT] | 5