3rd Strike and DOOM ᕙ(:▼‸▼: )ᕗ

Brian M

The craziest 3rd Strike combo video of the year just dropped, and I implore you to drop whatever you're doing and watch it RIGHT THE HELL NOW. The level of creativity on display here is so astounding, you won't even believe it's the same game. I legit yelled out loud multiple times because I couldn't believe what I was seeing. This is an absolutely, guaranteed, solid gold MUST WATCH for any fan of 3rd Strike. Just incredible work. You don't wanna miss this one, so send some love their way!! (´∀`)

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 36

Brian M

Hello! (´∀`) Big thanks to everyone who checked out the Hit Confirm video. We just hit 20,000 views! It was an idea I've had in the works for well over a year now and I'm happy it's finally out there for everyone to enjoy. The analytics have pretty much levelled off now from the initial hype, so I think the video has reached basically everybody it can reach for now. The feedback from everyone has been so kind and positive, and the video has reached so many different people each in their own unique way! Also, my subscriber count has practically doubled (thanks!), so here's a quick brief on what you can look forward to from the channel! (↓↓↓ hella tl;dr at the bottom ↓↓↓)


What you can expect in the future:

- Mini tutorials about interesting undocumented tech!
I have some ideas about branching into Shorts to make little hyper-condensed versions of fun tech discoveries I make. I already have a few in mind. It would certainly save a lot of effort from making full-length videos. But don't worry, all the presentation hooks you love will still be there! Quality will absolutely not be sacrificed. In addition, I also plan on remixing the old Kara Grab and Twelve Short Short videos down into... well, Shorts, to put their respective execution tricks into a more easily digestible format.

- Little skits featuring Q and Twelve!
People really like the banter format, especially people who even don't play, but still like the characters! So look forward to more of that ol' rhubarb and custard background and those classic Monkey Ball tunes.

- More fun 3rd Strike themed animations/parodies!
Got a couple of reeeeal dumb ideas in the pipeline for this one. I also plan to redraw the entire cast in the chibi MSPaint style of my little Q and Twelve mascots, with the ultimate goal of having them be publicly available for everyone to use. And because I'm insane, I have a really fun (✌ """"fun""""✌ ) idea about how to debut them all. Oh boy, that one's gonna kick my ass to make.

- And finally, more DOOM speedruns!
Yes! Now that I finally have some free time from editing again, I've been delving back into my old passion of DOOM Nightmare difficulty speedruns. If you haven't seen it already, I organized all my current and former world record IL runs into a neat playlist on the channel! There are still tons and tons of runs I've routed over the years that I've yet to complete, including one I've been grinding out lately that I've been trying to achieve on and off since August 2020... It features an innovative setup for a trick that's never actually been performed on Nightmare before. So if I can finally pull this off... hoooo baby. (Fun fact if you know your DOOM tech: I was also the first person to ever use the e2m6 void glide in a WR Nightmare episode run wayyy back in 2015. You can watch it here! >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClRC6...). Also, in the entire time I've speedran DOOM, I have only ever posted up WR runs. I don't run maps I can't improve or innovate on, so the channel won't get clogged up with crappy PBs or anything.


Here is what you cannot expect:

- Online matches with meme sound effects (or actual match footage of any kind)
No. Just no. Although, if I have a reaaaally good run at an offline tournament, it's possible I might throw that up.

- More full-length tutorials (e.g. the Hit Confirm vid) or taking requests for tutorials.
Big videos are incredibly time consuming to make, and although there are still lots of things that need to be better documented about this game, I can unfortunately only make videos about topics I feel personally invested in. The Hit Confirm vid was pretty much the one video I've wanted to make all this time and now it's done, so I'm at peace closing that chapter now.

In fact, the Kara Grab and Twelve Short Short videos were just lucky random discoveries I made along the way while putting off actually starting on the Hit Confirm video, and I just rode the wave of inspiration bringing them into reality. So I can't say another unexpected discovery won't also compel me into blowing several weeks making another absurdly presented video, so who knows!

- Collabs
Talking to people is hard.

I have no intention of being a ✌"Content Creator"✌ and all of the videos I have made thus far have been borne of interesting random discoveries or spur-of-the-moment ideas too stupid to ignore, and that's what works best for me. So big things that have been requested like a charge partitioning tutorial or full Q guide is not on the horizon, I'm afraid.

This channel is just a fun creative outlet for ideas big and small about the game I love, so I hope you'll stick around for whatever comes next! (´◡` )

tl;dr here's what's coming up in the near future:
A very small 3rd Strike meme to test the Shorts format (probably by the end of the week)
A bigtime DOOM Nightmare IL run (whenever I get it, hopefully soon)
A short Q and Twelve skit (in the Pink + Yellow ♫ Monkey Ball ♫ tutorial format, also ETA whenever)
A mini-tutorial (possibly also a Short?) featuring some more Kara Grab-style rhythmic input tech.

That's it for now. The sooner I land the DOOM run the better, since that'll clear up my lunch breaks at work to start editing again (I only edit on my breaks at work, or marathon sessions on my day off). So consider everything past that on hold until it gets done. Also I have a ton of events to go in the next few months, so that might hold things up a bit as well. Alright, seeya! (´∀`)

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 403

Brian M

🇧🇷 ↓↓↓ Solicitação de legendas! ↓↓↓ 🇧🇷

The new video is 90% complete and should be releasing very soon. Ideally, I would like to launch with multilingual subtitles, to help make the video as accessible as possible. I've already produced some Japanese subtitles via DeepL translate, and Brazil represents the next biggest percentage of my foreign viewers.

If you would be able to assist in producing Brazilian Portuguese subtitles for the video, just send me a message via Twitter (@vile_island) and I will share a Pastebin of the script with you.

Thank you!

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 39

Brian M

Q and Twelve

Best frens 4eva :)

3 months ago | [YT] | 82

Brian M

Absolutely huge DOOM news!

Map01 of DOOM II has finally had the 5 second barrier broken with a 0:04.97 run by the legendary ‪@4shockblast‬, who you may remember from also scoring the first ever 8 second run on E1M1. This is an absolutely monumental achievement in DOOM history, as players have been trying to break this barrier for over 20 years since Thomas Panter's first sub-6 5.97 run in 1998 (!!!).

It's highly likely that Karl Jobst and other big speedrun creators will be reporting on this unbelievable feat in the near future, so there's never been a better time to get into DOOM!

In the meantime, you may see I've also uploaded a few of my old records to the channel. (Apologies if publishing them all at once blew up your notifications). Please give them a look! I've also organized all of my old DOOM runs into a playlist that you can also find on the main channel page. I still have a lot of records left that I want to achieve some day, so you can expect to see more DOOM stuff going up in the future.

Congratulations once again to 4shockblast for making history (again!).

5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 14

Brian M

Good news! The next video is now done, and should be up in the next few days pending permission for the music used. (I'm dumb and got so preoccupied making it, that I literally didn't even think to ask permission until it already done and rendered lmao)

Anyway, thiis one is suuuuuper dumb, but it's a lot of fun and I really think you'll like it, so please look forward to it!

In the meantime, while working on the next video (a big one!), I'll also be dumping a few of my old DOOM nightmare speedrun records on the channel that never got uploaded through the official DOOM speedrun archive channel. I used to speedrun DOOM, if you didn't know. (I still do, but I used to, too. Thanks Mitch.)

Who knows, hopefully they're still interesting to literally anyone other than me.


5 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 44

Brian M

Oh dear god has it been two weeks already. Whoops, I didn't forget, you forgot. Another 3rd Strike Community highlight - ‪@SpitShineT0mmy‬!

Joey has been putting in great work lately, especially in the editing department, breaking down various bits of Alex tech for every situation!

Just like a certain other low tier we covered recently, did you know Alex also has a low hit confirm? Be sure to check out the video below and support his channel!


7 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 9

Brian M

Yo! I said I'd like to use this space to promote other great 3rd Strike tech channels I encounter. The first one I would like to highlight is - ‪@orogasm‬!

Orogasm has been putting out some incredibly in-depth tutorials breaking down the unblockable setups used by the master himself, Inoue, into easily replicable steps!


Check out this video to level up your Oro game and support his channel!

8 months ago | [YT] | 14

Brian M

Hey! This is long overdue, but - The channel has since hit over 1000 subscribers!

Thank you to everybody who has supported the videos by leaving lots of lovely comments and wonderful praise. Everybody has been so generous with their kind words. It really is special to know that I've created something that can reach and entertain so many people in a unique way.

The videos themselves have been enjoying steady success. Both videos get about 100 views a day still!

The Kara Command Grab video has now reached over 24,000 views! This is a shocking and frankly absurd amount of views to me, considering how insanely niche the topic is.

The Twelve video is also steadily nearing 6000 views! Both videos get about 100 views on average a day.

The numbers really are baffling to me, genuinely. There can't even be… what, a couple thousand 3rd Strike players in the world, max? Who’s even watching this stuff past a certain point?

As for the next (big) video, I'm afraid it'll be a while until I can make a start on it.

Two reasons for that: I've had some real life stuff to take care of in recent times (nothing serious). And also, I've recently learned something interesting about 3rd Strike's engine which affects this particular video's topic in a major way, so it'll be on hold until I can have a few things independently verified.

The good news is: The topic of the next video won’t be more weird situational or character specific tech, but something incredibly basic and empowering that players of ANY CHARACTER and (most importantly) ANY LEVEL can benefit from!

I’m really hoping it’ll be as useful as I believe it to be, because it’s not something I’ve seen widely discussed or covered before and it's something that has definitely helped elevate my own game a great deal that I'd love to share with others!

And of course, I'll be putting my all into making it as fun and entertaining as possible. This is an idea I've had for a very long time, and all my video experiments thus far have basically been me getting sidetracked or downright avoiding actually making it. So, please look forward to it!

In the meantime, as I'm lucky enough to have an audience, I'd also like to use this space as a means of promoting other great 3rd Strike content I find. So please watch this space in the coming days for links to other great videos and channels I've encountered recently.

Thank you for your support! ❤️

8 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 66

Brian M

Revelando os segredos da magia! Thanks to the homie ‪@Ottrond‬ for hooking up the Kara Command Grab video with Brazilian Portuguese subtitles!

Work has already commenced on the next video. Can you guess what it might be about? :)

I have a few days off this week, and my new editing software is MUCH faster and easier to use than the last one (oh my god it's such an upgrade). So hopefully I'll get it done within the week.

Please look forward to it!

11 months ago | [YT] | 29