I'm Xiaxue. That's Chinese for "Snowing". I'm a blogger and have been for over a decade since 2003.

I used to post mainly beauty videos/tutorials. However, on March 2013 I gave birth to my son, Dashiel Marquet Sayre, who is so cute I can barely get any work done.

These days, I post mainly videos about Dash because amazingly enough, I stopped being a completely self-absorbed person like I used to be. LOL!! I like filming Dash because kids grow up so fast. If I don't film his cutest moments and significant milestones, I will never be able to remember how he was like as a baby when he is a broody teenager. Hopefully YouTube is still around by then, shooting holographic 3D videos out of our smartphones that can cook, clean and do surgical procedures.

I also have regular videos with Clicknetwork, who produces Guide to Life, my web show since 2007. If you wish to watch them, please go over to Clicknetwork's YouTube channel.



Shared 6 years ago