Hey i'm Aplanna! I talk about stuff that you might be interested in, well whenever i upload that is. And i might upload once a week or once every 10 years, you see i only got started on youtube by sheer luck so i thought i would repay that by you only getting videos from me by sheer luck. But unlike paying for lootboxes, subscribing to my channel is free!

P.S: Yeah i'm the one that did Minecraft Monday highlights, then SMPEarth history.

This channel isn't directed towards a specific age group



3 years ago | [YT] | 264


So i know i've been done with SMP Earth, but i know most of you care about it a lot still. And i just want to spread the news that SMP Earth will officially END on April 11th after the SMP Earth Olympics happen.
My channel would definitely not be where it is now without SMP Earth, it has been a legendary SMP and i highly encourage you to go watch the SMP Earth Olympics and show some love before it's all over.
Link to their tweet: twitter.com/smp_earth/status/1239642813102505984

4 years ago | [YT] | 255


What's your favorite item in Minecraft?
answer and you'll have a chance to get in the next video ;)

4 years ago | [YT] | 195


Hey guys! So in late October i decided to put ads on my highlights, and then donate the profits to TeamTrees. But sadly it took until now for me to get the money. And i think i'd be kinda late to the party if i did it now, as it already hit 20mil trees months ago.
But MrBeast recently hit 30 million subs and has been hinting at a potential TeamSeas, so i was thinking about waiting to donate to that instead. However i don't know anything about it, maybe they won't even need donations.
I don't know, but we'll figure it out once we get there. I just wanted to give you an update on the whole situation, i hope you understand.

4 years ago | [YT] | 323


To all my subscribers: Did youtube recommend you my latest video yesterday?

4 years ago | [YT] | 246


Ok sorry for being silent for this long, i'll have a video out in the next couple days... but which one would you rather watch? Both are SMP Earth of course. (I won't spoil the exact idea yet)

4 years ago | [YT] | 272


The first historian to get a spotlight ;) let's goo! Thank you all so much for 11k as well, u guys going crazy rn.

4 years ago | [YT] | 474


This is actually so weird to look at, to think i had just 50 subs 6 months ago actually blows my mind. I'm sorry i missed it, i guess you guys are just too fast 4 me. Also sorry for spamming these community posts, but i just gotta alright? I might do these every 5k if it gets too crazy, but for now, thank you.

4 years ago | [YT] | 433


me: uploads video thanking you for 8k
you guys 4 hours later:

Edit: I think we gained over 600 subs in 4 hours, the previous record for me was 480 in a day. What is happeninngggggg

4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 448


Thank you all so much for 8 000 subscribers, December was actually insane. In November i thought my channel would maybe get to 6k before 2020 with a very successful video or 2, but now we're at 8k. And 2k subscribers is massive for my channel, relatively speaking that would be about 25 million additional subscribers for PewDiePie.
And you know what this means boys... SMPEARTH HISTORIAN FLAIR!!! (picture: imgur.com/a/QJbTUkA ) Thanks for making me a (kinda) official SMPEarth historian, i'm so excited to continue this in 2020.

4 years ago (edited) | [YT] | 437