The Charismatic Voice

Welcome to The Charismatic Voice!

We're a community of people who love good music and great singing. Our videos strive to dive deeper into the artists you adore so that we can better understand what makes them so dang good. Videos premier every Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 8AM AZ Time.

Our operatic founder and vocal guru, Elizabeth Zharoff, has multiple degrees in music and voice from the Curtis Institute of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, and Berklee College of Music. She's also a voice science nerd. Mrs. Zharoff has performed in 18 languages, throughout major venues in Europe, Asia, and North America. She has a uniquely modern career which bridges the gap between voice and technology, and aims to demystify singing for all.

Elizabeth's also a total geek who loves gaming, astronomy, Christmas, Disney, Nutella, and of course - discovering new music!

Questions? Connect with us at

May you fall more in love with music every day!

The Charismatic Voice


That's the sound of our Vocal Research Project on Kickstarter passing our minimum funding goal and reaching over $250,000, and we're still going strong! Thank you to nearly 4,000 of you backers for helping us hit that milestone!

Interested in the project? Here's that link:…

There's so much more we can do, but here are the highlights:
- We have 6 artists lined up to have ALL the same procedures done to them that Will Ramos had done in our documentary released earlier this year, including dynamic MRI (real time MRI video footage)
- We're already starting to schedule the first wave of artists for this year, so we can get videos to backers as soon as possible.
- By hitting our first social goal, next Monday at 10am PST, Kirk will be doing my makeup and nails live on YouTube. There are MORE social goals, by the way, so help get involved!
- We're getting close to the first stretch goal, which will include bringing in a professional videographer who will SLAY at making the best video footage possible for ALL of our science videos related to this project.

Let's keep going, folks! Y'all are rocking it! FOR SCIENCE!

3 days ago | [YT] | 5,989

The Charismatic Voice

Y'all have seen how much I love System of a Down after discovering them two years ago. Many, many analysis videos later, I still haven't heard all they have to offer. That's changing very soon.

In the Kickstarter livestream, y'all voted and I will be analyzing the entire "Toxicity" album for Kickstarter Backers ONLY. This exclusive video (probably will be around 3 hours long, let's be real) will be filmed sometime in October and released only to those that have helped support the vocal research we're trying to fund.

If you haven't yet, please go support. Even at the $2 tier, you'll get access to that analysis video.

Kickstarter Campaign Here:…


5 days ago | [YT] | 3,329

The Charismatic Voice

Who's upper laryngeal structure are you most excited to see in dynamic MRI (real time MRI video footage) from the research project Kickstarter, coordinated by The Charismatic Voice Research Fund (non-profit) here:…

1 week ago | [YT] | 1,231

The Charismatic Voice

73% funded in just 24 hours!!!

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to all of you for your support. We're on our way to funding vocal research!

By now, I think you all know that this is about so much more than my curiosity surrounding how metal singers make monster noises. It's about the completing the picture of the entire larynx, applying that to all forms of singing, and paving the way for advancements in music therapy.

There's some great buzz about this in the news already. Check out these articles that were just released by Metal Injection and MetalSucks:

Metal Injection:…

Metal Sucks:…

I also just did an interview with CNN today and have more happening later this week! Whew.

I'm doing everything I can to get the word out. You can help by sharing awesome articles like these and much more on socials.

In case you didn't see it, here's a link to our Kickstarter Launch Video:

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,345

The Charismatic Voice

Want to know what's crazy amazing? This:…

Tomorrow, I'll be dropping a 12 minute story video of how I got to where I'm at today. Tuesday, we'll be releasing our Kickstarter video and hosting a 6 hour live stream event to kick off funding for Vocal Research.

And the entire month of September, I'll be releasing a TON of additional analysis videos, shorts, you name it.

I need your support to change vocal research for the better.

I wanted to give y'all a heads up before the Kickstarter goes live on Tuesday to register and click on notifications for Early Bird rewards. Help me, and help our artists signed onto the project make history, and possibly save the lives of millions through vocal research.


2 weeks ago | [YT] | 10,015

The Charismatic Voice

One of my favorite quotes I've seen so far has been "Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans." It's just so profound, and leaves me trying to live in the now.

Who said it?
What's your favorite quote? I may feature it in an upcoming quiz!

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,111

The Charismatic Voice

I'm behind the times here. Just now reading the Rolling Stones top metal songs of all time, and I'm a bit flabbergasted. Which song do you think they placed as the top metal song of all time? (all four of these are the top four). Where's my Dio?!

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,718

The Charismatic Voice

Remember this lovely live stream for reaching 1 million subscribers on YouTube, with the ever lovely Julia Nilon? It's happening again, this time with new guests, and LOTS of fun!

In two weeks, I'll be hopping on a 4-6 hour long live stream to launch our kickstarter. This will be the longest I've EVER streamed live - and it's all in support of science!!

I hope you'll join me on September 3 at 10:00AM Pacific Time. We'll announce more details soon!

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 9,024

The Charismatic Voice

Which band's evolution surprised you the most, and who am I missing from this list?

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,653

The Charismatic Voice

This Thursday is National Relaxation Day. What are you doing to unwind?

I feel taking a moment for self care and loving oneself is essential, and it's a great way to center during life's hectic journey. For me, a nice glass of red wine and a book are the way to go. Want to make a guess at what I'm currently reading?

1 month ago | [YT] | 14,751