Before Sunrise PRAY

Before Sunrise Pray was created to encourage believers to continually pray especially in the midst of very challenging times. Prayer changes things and it is a powerful weapon a believer can use to turn situations around.

The devil does not want you to pray. He uses different tactic and methods to distract and discourage you from praying.

Watching the videos on our channel will help you improve your prayer life. Especially the very short videos that you can readily say anytime.

Please subscribe and share our videos with your family and friends too. So they too can get blessed and transformed.

Lastly, if you have been blessed or seen an improvement in your prayer life by watching our videos, please do not hesitate to let us know by leaving a comment in any of the videos. It means a lot to us to see you blessed and transformed through our videos.

May God bless you and hear the cry of your hearts in Jesus name, amen.