On this channel we explore the world, people and social issues through various forms of videos. From Man on the street interviews to Social Experiments

This channel strives to deliver high quality content that can stand the test of time. So when you watch it years from now it would still be relevant bringing out emotions for many viewers to come.

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Karim Jovian

Happy Father's Day to all the amazing Fathers out there #EidMubarak

Mine is up in Heaven, I miss him everyday. I love you Dad

Please take every chance you get to spend time with your Dad and tell him you love him

3 months ago | [YT] | 190

Karim Jovian

I DID NOT murder anyone!

I need to make this tweet seriously

I have been getting confused with another American Egyptian who is a serial killer with the same name as mine and also has an online presence.

He viciously murdered many innocent women after kidnapping them

Cant believe I have to say this, but that is not me!

The actual murderer was caught by the police

My condolences go out to the families of the victims 🙏🏼

3 months ago (edited) | [YT] | 62

Karim Jovian

Eid Mubarak from my Wife and I

5 months ago | [YT] | 378

Karim Jovian

The Chapter has been closed. The long lost video of the Hackers has finally been found. These individuals were the ones who worked with Sheikh Akbar in the past to tarnish Karim Jovian's name. They were somewhat successful, but luckily proof and evidence have come out over the years proving Karim's innocence and that Sheikh was behind it all. Though it has been many years since then, this video is a critical piece of evidence that can be dissected by you viewers and needed to be uploaded for archival purposes. This was the final piece of the puzzle. Thank you for all the hard work guys. Happy New Year and love you all

8 months ago | [YT] | 24

Karim Jovian

My Father’s Wallet

My father passed away recently, and I inherited his wallet. It was almost empty, as my family had spent all the money he had left on tips and payments for the nurses who had taken care of him in the hospital.

After his death, my youngest brother, Amier, asked me for something to remember our dad by. He reminded me of the $3 he had found and given to our dad in 1998, when he was only three years old and we were living in America. Our dad had kept it and told him he would never spend it. He had dated it and written Amier’s name on it.

I told him it was gone, that the money had been taken out of his wallet and spent by the family before we saw dad. There was nothing left.

He begged me to look one more time, saying that dad always had it in his wallet. I thought it was a lost cause, but I agreed to check again.

To my surprise, I found a secret zipper that I had thought was broken and already opened. It was still closed. I quickly opened it, thinking there was no way. But there it was. Four dollar bills, all with Amier’s name and the date 1998 on them.

I felt a surge of emotions as I showed them to my mom, her sister, and my cousin. It was a feeling I had never experienced before. Euphoria, a gift, a sign that our dad truly loved us and missed us while he was in Egypt. Just like we missed him so much. I wished we had gone back to Egypt one more time in 2022 to see him.

I will never forgive myself for the time I lied to him, when he asked if we were coming and I said it didn’t look like it. I hope he knew I made it up and came as fast as I could when I found out he was sick. I didn’t get to see him alive, but I saw him dead. I was with him through everything. I kissed him as he lay lifeless, telling him everything I could. I lifted and held his hand as they washed his body, preparing him for wrapping. I carried his body into the coffin, riding in the car with him. I carried the coffin with the family, placing it in the mosque and praying for him. Then I carried the coffin again to the car, to his final resting place. I lifted his body one more time, taking him deep underground for his final burial. I loosened his sheets, hoping for a peaceful rest.

All the while, I was crying and torn inside, hoping that I had made up for my careless ways. Dad, I’m sorry. You and I weren’t perfect, but I hope I showed you through your final years that I loved you so much and was with you till the very end. I know you felt it. Please forgive me for not being there sooner. You are in a much better place with God now.

I miss you so much, Baba.

9 months ago | [YT] | 1,673

Karim Jovian

My loving Father has passed away, within a few hours of Landing in Egypt to see him, he passed a mere few hours before I got to see him for the final time. I broke down and was devastated…This is the hardest day in my entire life. But then I remembered my faith.

That doesn’t make me sad it makes me thankful, because my Father was surrounded with family and he wasn’t alone. He was in pain and no matter how much he tried to hide it, we knew he was. I was told even as he passed he was smiling and laughing. Still trying to make us feel less pain and not to be worried.

Till the very end my Father fought even after losing a leg, he was strong and amazing. I am so lucky to have him as a Father and blessed by God to be his son. I was afraid to see him in the morgue, but I had to go see him for my brothers. I got to tell him my good byes, how much I love him and kiss him as he laid resting in peace. In Islam when a person dies it’s best to prep the bodies for burial as soon as possible after passing. With prayer and a family gathering, it was beautiful a gift from God.

I buried my Father, that was not even the plan. I thought he was better but life doesn’t always give you what you want. I literally called him a few days ago letting him know I’m coming to see him with gifts and saw how he loved one of my posts about him. This was God’s choosing and I thank God for the beautiful sunny day and wonderful smelling fragrance in the air for him to pass on, a month before his birthday. We will all pass someday so it’s better to accept God’s will and remember the good times.

There is just so much I can’t fit in here about how amazing my father is and was like my best friend.

I hope my Dad is proud of me and I hope he will be with me everywhere from now on. May he rest in peace

Ina lila wan ina lilahi rajioon

We will miss him very much. Rest in peace King. Your Princes will continue your legacy inshallah

I love you so much Dad and always will

9 months ago | [YT] | 5,059

Karim Jovian

An Update on my Father

It was a life or death situation and the doctors chose to amputate my Dad’s leg in order for him to survive. My Dad is in ICU in stable condition and we’re still praying. But we Thank God.

I got to speak to him before he went into surgery through the phone. Not being able to see him was heavy on me and my family. Before he went in he told me “Don’t worry it’ll be easy”.

He was always like this. Even when he was taken in handcuffs to be deported back when we were young. While in handcuffs he looked at me and my brothers when we were babies and smiled while being taken away. So we wouldn’t be scared. He never showed me and my brothers fear or worry, he hid it from us. Because I know deep inside we were all scared.

Fast forward to today. My Father is a damn warrior. Strong and always has been Mashallah. Which leads me to thank my Mother who is just as strong and who has taken the load of raising us by herself all these years. It’s all been unfair, but that’s life and I always thank God.

I also thank each and everyone of you with your thoughts and prayers, you have hearts of gold. You didn’t have to reach out or respond but you did which I am grateful for.

I wish for no one to have to go through or experience this in anyway. Grab your parents, family, friends or whoever. Tell them you love them. Hug them and if you can’t, call them.

As for me, my scheduled content creation will be back. Cause well... I got bills to pay

Thank you for all the support and may you and yours be healthy and well during these holidays 🙏🏼

9 months ago | [YT] | 231

Karim Jovian

I ask all of you to please pray for my Father
Whatever you believe in, your prayers are what we need
This past few weeks and even years have been so hard
My Father is very sick in the hospital and I am afraid. Please pray with all your heart for my Father to come out of this inshallah. That is all I ask 🤲🏽

10 months ago | [YT] | 884

Karim Jovian

I still keep all the fan mail from over the years. You guys promised you’ll support me for life, so I’ll hold on to these for life

Love you Kukus

1 year ago | [YT] | 64

Karim Jovian

Sneako Interview out Tomorrow!

1 year ago | [YT] | 6