I'm Ben, a 22 year old Software Developer focused on the web and startups. I mostly cover JS/TS, SvelteKit, and Database stuff.

Ben Davis

I am finally done with the Sediment/E-Commerce series/videos. The last 4 videos are scheduled and will launch throughout this week, one a day.

The series turned into something much bigger then I ever planned and ultimately I'm really happy with what we were able to build, but now its time to get back to some other stuff.

So the question is what do you guys want to see? I've got three videos that I am working on right now which will all be really high effort videos getting into some cool tech I've either neglected or wanted to get into for a while.

Which one do you want to see first?

Also let me know in the comments if there is anything else you want to see covered!

6 months ago | [YT] | 21

Ben Davis

Video upload is taking ~7 hours, will have the BE implementation video out tmrw as soon as I can!

8 months ago | [YT] | 10

Ben Davis

Hey guys, I'm looking for someone to help out with thumbnails for the channel!

Its a paid position, as far as experience goes I'm looking for someone to work with long term, and I'm obviously new to this myself, so the most important thing is that you want to learn/improve

If you are interested send me an email (email is in the channel about) and include some stuff you have worked on. Its totally fine if you have not done stuff for other channels, just send me some stuff you have made, like I said I'm new to this myself and would love to work with newer/younger people (college age)

10 months ago | [YT] | 18

Ben Davis

Just finished up the core checkout flow of the open source e-commerce site I'm working on on stream!

Have a lot more features to make, and I'll be making a ton more videos on it (MANY deep dives)

The stack is SvelteKit, Drizzle, Cloudinary, Turso, Lucia, Resend, Stripe, and much more

Checkout the repo: github.com/bmdavis419/SvelteKit-Ecommerce

Checkout the VOD: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEIhx...

10 months ago | [YT] | 22

Ben Davis

Big series coming, hopefully in Nov/Dec...

11 months ago | [YT] | 107

Ben Davis

Extremely bummed that I am not home this week to make a Svelte 5 Runes video, but I will make it first thing when I get home this weekend. In the meantime check out this demo I made showcasing "$state", "$effect", and "$derived".

My gut reaction was "ew WTF why is useEffect here now", but after messing with it and thinking about how this will impact the future (especially the excerpt in the image) I am cautiously optimistic.


11 months ago | [YT] | 20

Ben Davis

Hey guys, sorry about the radio silence and general not doing much over the last 2-3 weeks. I've had a nasty case of covid, I was bed ridden for a week and a half and am just now starting to get back to normal (still not 100%, but functional lol).

Will have a video out tmrw thats pretty chill, nothing too crazy for now, hoping to get back to normal this week with some stuff I'm really excited about!

1 year ago | [YT] | 56

Ben Davis

Here is a look at the site diagram for what we are gonna be going over in the deep dive.

The goal is to have it out this weekend, this is gonna be a massive video, there is SO MUCH to cover.

1 year ago | [YT] | 79

Ben Davis

Working on getting the project that is gonna be the backbone of the next few videos together: github.com/bmdavis419/enceladus-1/tree/main.

Basically we are gonna be going deep into Supabase, because I think like everyone is sleeping on it hard. Gonna start with a first impressions tmrw or Wednesday then go from there.

Would you guys be interested in a "Deep Dive" style video, where I just go through the entire project piece by piece explaining each part for like 45+ minutes? I'm thinking about doing something like that for this project because there is so much to it with storage, auth, drizzle, supabase envs, sveltekit, etc.

1 year ago | [YT] | 103

Ben Davis

Had a question come up in the discord about getting freelance work and I figured I would post my answer here as well.

(side note: sry I have been so absent for the last few weeks, I have been on a much needed vacation with family, next week we are back to it and I have A TON planned, stay tuned!)

1 year ago | [YT] | 46