Goldenbell Training

Goldenbell Training covers online trends in Traditional Martial Arts, interesting topics related to the late Bruce Lee and Jeet Kune Do, and my personal insights on my training in Chinese Internal Martial Arts.

The content is created with a focus on kungfu fans from the 80s who are looking to start learning Kung Fu as an adult looking for a hobby to practice into their senior years.

Goldenbell Training

In their prime, who would win in a real fight? Who had the better film career?

1 week ago | [YT] | 612

Goldenbell Training

"Bruce at this time (beginning production of Enter The Dragon) was facing pressure from the Hong Kong press, which seemed to be continually probing for weaknesses in Bruce as a person and as an actor: also, he had to deal with a steady stream of challengers who tried to pick fights with him whenever he appeared in public, and even on the sets of his movies."
— Jhoon Rhee

2 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,402

Goldenbell Training

Did Bruce Lee train with kettlebells?
John Little said he did it's settled, right?

Not exactly — Dan Inosanto told Dr. Mark Cheng that he saw kettlebells mentioned in Bruce's notes, but he never actually saw Bruce with kettlebells.

And then John Saxon told Pavel that one of the first things Bruce showed him when he arrived in Hong Kong was his kettlebell training exercise.

Dr. Mark Cheng interviewed John Saxon, asking if he'd demonstrate what Bruce showed him. It was a kettlebell swing, similar to the hardstyle/squat dominant swing but with a few minor differences.

But there you have it — Bruce Lee WAS training with kettlebells in Hong Kong.

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,206

Goldenbell Training

Challenge letter issued to Bruce Lee in November 1971, after several challengers called him out in the newspapers in Hong Kong.

In several cases, when Bruce Lee says he doesn't fear anyone/thinks he can beat anyone, it's in the context of these challengers.

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,779

Goldenbell Training

"People always think of Uncle Bruce as an actor first. But he was a philosopher and a martial artist first.If anything, his movies and his writings were all a reflection of his philosophy. They were his ways of expressing himself as a human being."

— Diana Lee Inosanto

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,697

Goldenbell Training

“Sparring with Bruce was so frustrating because he would be on you before you could even react,”

— Jhoon Rhee, Father of American Tae Kwon Do

3 weeks ago | [YT] | 2,289

Goldenbell Training

There's a funny thing about when people "demand to see REAL FIGHT footage of Bruce Lee."
First of all — you can not show a street fight on YouTube. The video will be restricted.

The "Wing Chun vs JKD" video when Sifu Rahsun beat up "Waldo" from 3 years ago? Remember that video? YouTube flagged all those videos and restricted ads on them.

So while a video showing Bruce Lee in a real fight could garner millions of views, the person posting it wouldn't see a single cent, and there's no guarantee that those millions of potential viewers will watch their other content.

Of course, this is all assuming that Bruce Lee recorded "a real fight" in a time when there wasn't WORLDSTAR and everyone walking around with a smartphone in their pocket.

The last point (the most important) is that Bruce kept his fights a secret. Why would he record a REAL fight? At one time, he was paranoid that Yip Man was going to send people to take him out (true story) — why would he have evidence for people to know what he was doing? 🤔

I know there's existing footage of Bruce Lee in private collections, and if that stuff were ever made public? Honestly, the doubters and haters will just deny it as they continue to move the goalpost.

To me, it's just funny. People who haven't even seen real kung-fu know what Bruce Lee could and couldn't do 🤣🤣

4 weeks ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,883

Goldenbell Training

Pictures of Bruce Lee from the set of "Fist of the Unicorn."
The number of people in my comments claiming I'm spreading "fake facts" because "Bruce Lee was never in a movie called Fist of the Unicorn" is cracking me up.

One thing I have learned -the more I study Bruce Lee, the less I feel like I know about him... anyway, back to studying. I'm finally recording the deep dive video on Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan later today that I mentioned in a post last week.

I had to take a break to put out that Beerdy response video yesterday:

4 weeks ago | [YT] | 1,911

Goldenbell Training

"Bruce Lee was never challenged. You're as bad as Beerdy with these 'challengers.' Bruce Lee was only an actor. "

This is from the "Breaking News" reporting Bruce Lee's death. It's cool that Lau Tai-Chuen spoke highly of Bruce after everything that happened.

If it were up to Bruce, their fight would have stayed a secret.

1 month ago | [YT] | 417

Goldenbell Training

Some of the most insightful things I've ever heard about Bruce Lee were said by Nora Miao...kinda makes me wonder about their relationship.

There's a funny sidestory in a really awful Bruce Lee biopic where "Nora" is hired by Golden Harvest to keep Bruce happy even though she can't stand him. He ends up meeting "Betty," and know...but then "Nora" actually catches feelings for Bruce and gets jealous, so she makes arrangements for Linda to come to Hong Kong.

That was probably the worst Bruce Li movie I've ever seen 😳

1 month ago (edited) | [YT] | 1,933