Colette Baron-Reid Official

✨ Monthly videos on Oracle Cards and Intuition that educate and entertain.

💕 Colette Baron-Reid is a leader in the field of personal transformation. She is an intuition and Oracle expert, and a bestselling author of 19 Oracle Card decks and 7 books. She is the founder of the Oracle Circle Membership, Oracle School Experience, and DreamQuest Mastermind.

🦄 Please note the guidelines for being a follower on my YouTube channel. We have a no drama policy here and will ban and delete comments from anyone who engages in hate speech of any kind of bigotry, racism, incendiary gossip, and any and all harassment either personal or cultural towards myself or others.

💖 Be sure to subscribe to my channel! Being in here and enjoying my offerings and comments comes with simple honest guidelines. You are in my home! Treat it and others with respect, or be eaten by dragons ;)

Colette Baron-Reid Official

Have you ever had a question about Oracle cards? I want to know them! Comment your questions down below👇🥰

1 year ago | [YT] | 32

Colette Baron-Reid Official

🚨June Monthly Videos UPDATE!🚨👇

1 year ago | [YT] | 251

Colette Baron-Reid Official

If you could ask me anything about the topic of manifesting... what would it be?! 👀

1 year ago | [YT] | 32

Colette Baron-Reid Official

Have you ever heard a little voice in your head say, ‘I’m not good enough’? Have you ever had to overcome ‘imposter syndrome’ and limiting beliefs? Leave your advice down below for others who might need some words of encouragement👇

1 year ago | [YT] | 94

Colette Baron-Reid Official

Have you ever had a genius idea that just came to you seemingly out of nowhere that led to something greater? I talk more about genius blueprints in this week's episode...

1 year ago | [YT] | 49

Colette Baron-Reid Official

If you could ask me one thing about leading a successful, purpose driven-business, what would it be? Leave your questions below👇

1 year ago | [YT] | 30

Colette Baron-Reid Official

What is one of the greatest lessons you have learned from failing?

1 year ago | [YT] | 23

Colette Baron-Reid Official

Who here has made the successful transition from corporate to an independent Spirit-led business?

1 year ago | [YT] | 45

Colette Baron-Reid Official

I am an animist and I believe that everything has a Spirit and is alive… from a blade of grass to a storybook and even your business has a Spirit! Have you ever considered talking to your business like it has a spirit?✨

1 year ago | [YT] | 122

Colette Baron-Reid Official

I love using sacred containers as a tool to communicate with the Divine! In this week's episode, I talk about my practice of using a 'God Box' and how it's one of those magical vessels that lights me up every year I use it.  If you have a God Box or a sacred container, tell us about it below!

1 year ago | [YT] | 60