In John 14:6, Jesus said, 'I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.' He wants to transform your life. But He will not do so unless you invite Him. We all have a death sentence because we're all born sinners and Jesus said in order to enter the kingdom of heaven you must be born again. You may not see it but your wrong moral choices called sin have condemned you to spiritual death (eternal separation from God). Jesus who had no sin chose to die to pay for your sins. When you recognize your sinful condition & accept by faith Jesus' death as payment you receive His life, which is eternal. He will come into your innermost being through the power of His Holy Spirit & start you on a wonderful journey toward intimacy & eternal life with God.
The ABCs of Salvation
ADMIT you're a sinner & REPENT, turn away from ALL your sins
CALL upon the ONLY NAME that SAVES, JESUS CHRIST and GOD will FORGIVE your sins.

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