♪ Banner and icon by Lean, watermark by borntobeweird

♪ Call me Celine ♥

♪ Big fan of Nikita, Banshee, Agents of SHIELD, The Queen's Gambit, The 100 (S1-4 exclusively, let's never mention S7 again),

♪ Current mood: Finals suck.

100 - 13/08/17
200 - 15/12/17
300 - 19/03/18
400 - 27/05/18
500 - 07/07/18
600 - 25/08/18
700 - 09/10/18
800 - 31/03/19
900 - 31/07/19
1000 - 11/10/19
1100 - 01/01/20
1200 - 22/04/20
1300 - 28/06/20
1400 - 19/08/20

Favorite couples, characters and songs -- docs.google.com/document/d/1eAPKLT8Wfjq7LtHDVuYXuc…

I am always open for one-on-one collabs or other projects! You can contact me on Skype - live:haenyx, on Twitter (see the links) or on Discord - kalopsia.#9758