Hey guys. I'm a Percy Jackson fan and I love music, pretty basic. But that's practically my life. Books are an exit door leading to whatever world I want to go to. A dream I can hold in the palms of my hand, yet can never grasp fully. I love to help people. To hear them. Just know I'm here for you and I love you. Stay strong, stay safe, and stay you. Have a wonderful day/week/year/life 💕💕
Spread love...please. In a world full of hate, be one to spread love and acceptance. What goes around comes around and you will be rewarded for your purest of intentions.

Now, a tribute to my hero. Technoblade never dies. He has done a great service to millions of people around the world, pulling them out of dark times, giving them a reason to smile and laugh. His final battle was not a loss, it was a draw. His memory and legacy will be carried on forever. When one passes, his family cries. Techno, a hero, had the world weep. Gone, but never forgotten. o7, hero.