Untitled By Matias

Untitled By Matias

I wanted to take some time and thank you all for following. It really means a lot to me.

Before posting to social media, I had a spotify playlist that was gaining likes/saves without promoting or anything. That gave me the courage to post my mixes publicly on instagram/tiktok. An instagram follower suggested I upload my full mixes to YouTube. That gave me the courage to post them on YouTube.

That spotify playlist just recently reached 10k likes/saves. My YouTube channel recently reached 30k subscribers. The Slow Jamz video has reached 2 million views.

If you have something you are passionate about, I hope this gives you the courage to share it.

You might find out that people out there will rock with your content.

2 months ago | [YT] | 86

Untitled By Matias

I have a mix for:
Electric Relaxation - A Tribe Called Quest
Forbidden Fruit - J. Cole ft. Kendrick Lamar
Neighbors - J. Cole

I was debating on how to put the videos out.

1.Should each song have its own video?
That way you can listen to whichever song you like and add them to whatever playlist you would like.


2.One video with all the songs?

I'm recording the Mystic Brew - Ronnie Foster into Electric Relaxation soon.

With that recording it'll be:
Mystic Brew > Electric Relaxation > Forbidden Fruit > Neighbors


3.All of the above.

I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

I appreciate all of you.

Thank you!

1 year ago (edited) | [YT] | 47

Untitled By Matias

Thank you all for 13k subscribers!

I've been reading the comments and realized that the older videos need longer intros.

I will continue to provide new content but when I have extra time I will update the older videos with more of the original sample.

Every time I listened to my Poetic Justice mix, I needed more Janet. This was the one I wanted to update the most and I finally did.

Which video you think needs more of the sample? Let me know in the comments.

2 years ago | [YT] | 21