Syed Muzammil Official

Syed Muzammil is a Political Scientist and a Prime Time talk show host of his own show named “Statecraft” at the Express News, one of the top 3 channels of Pakistan. He has worked previously in many leading media channels like Bol, GNN, Neo TV, Capital TV etc. Muzammil is a Philosophy enthusiast and he is also a Vlogger, a writer and a social critic.

Syed Muzammil Official

Friends, hope this finds you well. In the recent past, we have had difficulty in producing content on sensitive issues because two of our videos got deleted primarily. Secondly, many viewers from Pakistan are complaining that our videos freeze when they try to play it, though other videos on their internet work smoothly, which indicates that our channel is targeted by government's internet firewall too. Hence we anticipate difficulties coming our way in terms of the public access to our videos in future. Over the years we have spoken on issues that many didn't dare to do so in their drawing rooms let alone in public, without any production resource at our disposal. It was just an android phone and a collar mic till late 2023. But then we chose to shift to a professional space in late 2023 for better clarity of data, research and dissemination of our work. We have been told by countless viewers of ours to signup on Patreon over the years but i always thought it wasn't the right time. But now i reckon the time has arrived. Through the support of those of you who want to become Patrons, we would be able to sustain with our current studio setup with much ease and it will enable us to enhance the range of our topics to Philosophy, History and International affairs, which currently we cannot frequently go into because of limited human resource. So, here is the link to our Patreon which could offer you answers to your questions, exclusive access to data behind our content and ultimately a chance to have a live Q&A based conversations too, in return to your support. The goal is to build an alternative community and for those of you who get on board, we'd say "You're Welcome!!". Cheers !
-Syed Muzammil…

1 month ago | [YT] | 3,732

Syed Muzammil Official

While we are on a short break, here’s something to watch for all of you. Discussed Pakistan’s political history and contemporary politics in a conversation with the prominent Pakistani lawyer Mian Ali Ishfaq.

2 months ago | [YT] | 146

Syed Muzammil Official

Eid Mubarak, everyone. Have a good one !!
#Eid2024 #EidulAzha

3 months ago | [YT] | 7,343

Syed Muzammil Official

A much needed respite in the North after some work loaded weeks lately. Read Tocqueville on democracy and enjoyed nature. Also felt that one of the biggest catastrophes of modern life is man’s abandonment of nature, which has made life robotic and hollow. Technology also seems a culprit unfortunately, which is why a social media detox is necessary in the modern life. Hope you all also strive to reconnect with nature every now and then too since it is essential for all thinkers. Also, we are open for topic suggestions for our upcoming videos in case you’re done watching the previous ones. Best wishes !!

P.S: Courtesy of “The Cloud Hotel” Nathia Galli for providing a wonderful experience.
#syedmuzammil #nathiagalli #thecloudhotel

4 months ago | [YT] | 3,235

Syed Muzammil Official

When I joined TV as a News Anchor back in 2016, I faced discrimination because of my sociopolitical views and I was not given any opportunity which made me start my own thing on social media in 2019. First they said tone yourself down because nobody will listen to critical discourse on social media. Then they said ok but you cannot go against the majority. Then they said ok your analysis clicked but you cannot do it on TV because “rating k lye larai krwani parti hay”. Then they said ok but hosting is not for you because you’re too polite on screen. And as always, they were wrong once again. In a matter of a few months, we have left many aces/big names behind for the biggest game on Pakistani TV which is the 8pm weekdays slot & State Craft is consistently one of the top three most watched 8pm shows in the country (It was on #2 nationwide last week). And we did it all without any theatrics or petty sensationalism. This is not just a personal victory but a victory for all those who believe in thinking for oneself and paving their own way against conformity. Courtesy of an immensely cooperative management and an agile team. We march on !
#Statecraft #ExpressNews #Syedmuzammilofficial

4 months ago | [YT] | 5,243

Syed Muzammil Official

Eid Mubarak, fellas. Hope you have a good one. Cheers !

5 months ago | [YT] | 6,353

Syed Muzammil Official

Hello, Islamabad. Here for a session to be held in The Black Hole tomorrow at 2:30pm. Join in if you’re here. See you !!

6 months ago | [YT] | 2,198

Syed Muzammil Official

Dear friends, a journey that started from the floor of my room with a low quality android phone in my hand and with a mind full of contrarian ideas, has finally reached to this. Never had the resources to execute this until now. Welcome to The Syed Muzammil Studios. A tiny dream that stayed at the back of my mind since years, to its eventual completion. You’d see content in an organised manner with more consistency and research. The first video comes out on our Youtube channel tomorrow at around 9pm. I owe this to every single one of you for your unmoved support over the years and I expect the same in the days to come. Stay aboard !!

8 months ago | [YT] | 2,981

Syed Muzammil Official

As we all bid farewell to 2023, I’d certainly remember it as the most successful year of my life in professional terms. Came across thousands, conveyed my thoughts, influenced many, angered countless. It was the year in which I embraced a lot of perfections and accepted a lot of imperfections and made my peace with them.

However, what remains in the gist of my journey was the same and it will remain the same for 2024 too. And in case you wonder what that could be, that is the passion to pursue newer ideas, to know more and to think clearly. Whether the world lauds me or condemns me, it will stay irrelevant to my pursuit. The driving force would always be the passion and wonderment to talk, discuss, write and boast about ideas. That passion remains my end. Whether I fail at everything with it or I conquer everything with it, this psychic intellectual passion will define me.

Heading into 2024, what I can tell you all is that you’d see me exploring newer ideas and engaging with all of you in a way which would be way more frequent and organised than before. I acknowledge that I have been unjust to my social media allies because I do not appear as often as I ought to be appearing. However, I aspire to make it more just the next year. Let’s end this on that note.

Thanks to each one of you who didn’t expect perfection from me, who gave me the benefit of doubt, who ignored the shortcomings and who showed alliance in ideas and support in the cause. Cheers !

#goodbye2023 #happynewyear #2024 #syedmuzammil

8 months ago | [YT] | 3,957

Syed Muzammil Official

Hello, people. Here to announce the biggest break of my TV career so far. I will be doing the 8pm weekdays show on Express News, named as Statecraft, from this Monday onwards. Being one of the top media channels of Pakistan, Express News is the first organisation that I am proud to be associated with, for its unbiased approach towards reporting and journalism overall. It was one of the organisations that I aspired to work in when I entered the industry some seven years ago. Little did I know that a day will come when I’ll be managing its top slot. 2023 by far has been the most successful year of my life as far as the professional realm is concerned. I don’t know what could be beyond this. This wasn’t possible without the alliance I have made with thousands of you on the social media. It has its courtesy in all of you. We are no more at the fringes now, people. We are the mainstream. And this is not a personal victory. It is a victory for all those who believe in fighting for the cause of reason and enlightenment. Cheers !

9 months ago | [YT] | 5,060