Shawn Mendes

Earlier this summer we invited some beautiful humans up to the studio and performed the entire album top to bottom. we had wine and candles and tears and food and it was one of my favourite evenings of my life. Thank you to the 13 of you who came and were so supportive. NOBODY KNOWS live at the clubhouse out now

1 day ago | [YT] | 592

Shawn Mendes

when your souls touch

2 days ago | [YT] | 609

Shawn Mendes

Just 3 sweaty boys crying about love.

Nobody Knows VIDEO out now ❤️‍🩹

6 days ago | [YT] | 2,881

Shawn Mendes

NOBODY KNOWS OUT NOW ❤️‍🔥 Video out Friday 12pm ET

1 week ago | [YT] | 933

Shawn Mendes

Watch the Why Why Why lyric Video now ♥️

1 month ago | [YT] | 1,965

Shawn Mendes

Watch the Isn't That Enough lyric video now 🤍

1 month ago | [YT] | 762

Shawn Mendes

Why Why Why & Isn’t That Enough are both out now. go listen 🤍

1 month ago | [YT] | 6,680

Shawn Mendes

Music really can be medicine.
2 years ago I felt like I had absolutely no idea who I was. A year ago I couldn’t step into a studio without falling into complete panic. So to be here right now with 12 beautiful finished songs feels like such a gift.

Honestly thank god for my friends and family. Life can be brutal but having a small group of people you deeply trust to walk you through makes it so much better. I have no idea how I would have made it through the last couple years let alone make an album without you.

Scott, Mike, Eddie, Alex, Andrew, Ziggy, Sylvie, Rachel, Brian, Prash, Sarah, Meghan, Connor, tony, Aaliyah, mum, dad, Jocelyne, H.O.M, Matty, MR Vetro

All of my Friends and Family, thank you for loving on me so hard ♥️

And to you guys who have been so unbelievably supportive and patient and loving thank you from the bottom of my heart. I really hope you love this album, I do.
I really really do.

I hope it makes you feel warm and close to the earth like it does for me.

“Shawn”, The Album 10.18
Why Why Why & Isn’t That Enough 8.8 @ 8pm ET


⁃ Shawn

1 month ago | [YT] | 3,428

Shawn Mendes

Nashville, Dark Horse Studio

the first thing that comes to me while watching this back is “wow, by the time we got to Nashville i was so much more confident and just in my body and myself about everything”

it felt like the adults arrived and things started to get romantic and deep.

and honestly i hope Brian says that exact speech at my wedding someday.

anyway i’m sure you know of him but that beautiful angel playing the mandolin’s name is Chris Thile

first of all. Truly one of the greatest musicians i’ve ever been in the presence of but possibly more important than that, the kindest man i’ve ever crossed paths with. His song “Julep” kinda became our anthem and guiding light. So to have him be a part of this album was just beyond special

1 month ago | [YT] | 833

Shawn Mendes

Bear Creek Studio, Washington

oh man this week in washington was magical. We were all living in this extremely special studio surrounded by these giant beautiful trees and i just have the most beautiful feelings when i think back to it

i feel like this was when we really started to tap into the essence of the album and everything and it just started to flow…laughs, tears, truths, songs, whisky

i wish i could show you every moment of making this album because it truly was so healing, but i’m glad you’re even getting a glimpse. This was to me some of the most memorable and enjoyable moments making music in my life

i definitely learned so much about not taking myself too seriously in the studio those days & how that could actually often times lead me to exactly what i was searching for

1 month ago | [YT] | 802