Girl With The Dogs 2

Welcome to the sister channel of the original Girl With The Dogs. We are so happy to have you here. At this channel you can find full-length grooming videos, and enjoy a more personal experience of pets being pampered.

Girl With The Dogs 2

Dr. Hillary Wolfe gave some amazing insight on nutrition, and the vital role it plays in our pets health. Check out the episode here:

1 week ago | [YT] | 1,041

Girl With The Dogs 2

Sometimes I am Girl With The Sharks 😬
Watch me swim with 16 Bull Sharks here:

7 months ago | [YT] | 4,911

Girl With The Dogs 2

Oops! I accidentally uploaded the video of Yeti with no audio 🤦‍♀️
Uploading a new copy now. Sorry everyone!

11 months ago | [YT] | 4,124