Margaret Byrd: Color Quest

Hi! I’m Margaret Byrd, but you can call me Byrdie. Welcome to Color Quest!

I’m an installation and mixed media artist with a serious case of wanderlust. I blame my last name for giving me an unquenchable need to fly. Although my studio is in the gorgeous PNW, you will find me roaming the globe in search of artistic inspiration much of the time.

Love if you'd join me on my latest creative journey in pursuit of natural color!

On my channel, I will share tutorials and vlogs on how to:

• Find color
• Extract color
• Create beautiful things with natural color

Foraging for plants & minerals, brewing dyes and grinding pigments will help you build a colorful inventory from nature’s palette with endless project possibilities:

• Dyeing fiber
• Making art supplies
• Crafting with kids
• Cooking with color

And for all you travel junkies, get ready to wander the world with me to learn how the Earth shares her distinctive colors in unique ways.

Let's go Color Quest!

xoxo – Byrdie